A7X, 3 days grace anything rock/metal im open to, doesnt mean ill like it... then theres some pop... but mostly rock and eminem..
EMINEM is so epic he has his own category... anything at all pretty much.. ima be a music major/minor
maybe it is maybe it isn't.... altho im 10% sure it is.... XD
ya that's my name ^^ and ya anytime you will probably be one of the people i keep after the event is over because you seem nice XD
so yea im a major music fan... as you can see by the avi (minus the book) ^w^
so what music are you into?
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i i S a r a j e a n :3
Come again soon!! xd
your avu looks great btw xp
EMINEM is so epic he has his own category... anything at all pretty much.. ima be a music major/minor
ya that's my name ^^ and ya anytime you will probably be one of the people i keep after the event is over because you seem nice XD
so yea im a major music fan... as you can see by the avi (minus the book) ^w^
so what music are you into?