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Captain's Log ((LoL Captains Log.....))

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Person Log for Captain Vale



Name: Unknown
Age: 24
Birthplace: Wales

Organization: S.M.O.C.E. (Special Military Operations: Covert Elite)
Rank: Captain 1st Class
Codename: Vale
Classification Level: Max
Agent Specialty: Infiltration, Extermination, Foresight.

Known Supirior: Jack Peterson
Known Subordinates: N/A

Current Mission: On Leave.

Vale, leader of the first tactical unit for Smoce. Born and raised in Wales, England, she has a deep love for her Queen and serves as England's prime agent against the paranormal and supernatural. At a bare 13, Vale joined the ranks of Smoce. Her ability to foresee her enemies movements ahead of time, made her passage through the ranks quick. By the age of 19, she gained Captain rank. The highest rank through out Smoce. By the end of that same year, she'd achieved the position of 1st Class.
Now, the highest ranking soldier in Smoce, Vale is in charge of new recruits. She trains them to their limit, then sends them on, knowing she won't see any of them again.
While her known job is training, Vale is also given jobs that never cross the eyes of anyone but herself, and her immediate superior, Jack Peterson.


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Code Vale Report | 12/07/2008 2:06 am
Code Vale
Thank you. <3
Angel_Kitten_Sweetheart Report | 11/21/2008 7:32 am
Awsome! I love the wings you have on your avie in your profile. What's it called??
iPanda-Kun Report | 11/21/2008 4:41 am
Your details were interesting , would you like to join the ~Secret Avengers~ a group of let's call them special people that fight against The Animated

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Captain 1st Class.
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Code Vale