Ima Nalia

Cloaked Anomaly's avatar

Last Login: 07/12/2007 2:22 pm

Registered: 02/12/2007

Gender: Female


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Mrs. Crane

Back slowly away from Mrs. Ichabod Crane.


You know you want him, but guess what, betch? HE'S MINE, so BACK OFF!


"Ima Nalia" is Egyptian for "Mother Palace"

Nalia was a palace in Mali in West Africa, in about the 1330s.
Name: Nalia
Age: 16 almost 17
Hair: black
Eyes: purplish-blue
Hobbies: I love to draw and sing, occasionally I'll write a story or two. I love to rp fantasy.
Habits: I talk too much, but I suppose that's okay when I'm rping.
I like
>anime (duh)
>egypt (another duh hehe home)
>guys with tempers (straight)
>gay guys (theyre awesome!!! I love you Billy!)
>my friends

>mean people who have no life and that sit around b****ing around peoples' comments
>people who see a problem and do nothing to fix it
>broiled spinach (who doesn't?)
>thread-breakers who type 'bump' in a no-bump zone or advertise their quests in a rp topic for no reason
>rule-breakers (well....this falls under both!)

I love random private messages, but things should be kept pg-13 around here please.

Catch ya later,

You Belong in Fall

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Intelligent, introspective, and quite expressive at times...
You appreciate the changes in color, climate, and mood that fall brings
Whether you're carving wacky pumpkins or taking long drives, autumn is a favorite time of year for you.

I'm currently working on getting a scanner for some of the work I plan on showing to the arenas. Not that I'd have a chance at winning, but..... blaugh

I'm currently dating Reeves. No, he's not on Gaia, so don't ask. Although, he might be soon....o.-

Now I'm working on drawing a pic of myself in some clothes I made up....I'd never wear anything like that in real life, but um....its nice to pretend. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

I'm going to be saving up for a new outfit for my avvie to make it look even more like me, so don't be surprized if you see me running around without "fashionable" or "acceptable" clothes on for a while. You never know.....


Leave me a comment, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can, okay? heart


View Journal

Life with Ima Nalia---or is it........?

I like to put random things and quotes I come up with, so please, don't steal. I'll gladly give you permission to use something if you message me.


View All Comments

rebecca28ad1952 Report | 01/24/2008 4:26 am
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i.LUST Report | 08/11/2007 10:19 pm
midna426 Report | 02/25/2007 12:16 pm
Whoa Amanda!!! Your comment is inappropriate. Lol. blaugh But if you wanna leave it there....go ahead. O.O And guess what, guess what, guess what?........cheese........
Hellena56 Report | 02/24/2007 7:36 am
Who is Reeves??? O.O??? What do you mean...not my person. Maybe he is...maybe he isn't. *shifty eyes* lol
Tumble Trickster Report | 02/22/2007 10:23 am
Love your profile heart

THe llama song OMG I love it xd
Felix Edge Report | 02/22/2007 9:59 am
I hear you
Felix Edge Report | 02/22/2007 7:45 am
wow personly I have to have people hold me down to draw mt blood kinda a phobea yeah had it done far to much cant stand going to doctors either
AshenDoll Report | 02/22/2007 7:34 am
Hullo. I just took your quiz. Sorry I didn't spread it out into multiple posts. I'm an all or nothing sorta girl!
And hey! I dig your profile, your background image is mucho sexy! Ciao!
^ .^
Felix Edge Report | 02/22/2007 7:13 am
O.o uhhh huh?
Cloaked Anomaly Report | 02/21/2007 8:32 am


It's not me! Its them and their stupid boy penises! Well, that could be a good thing. blaugh


the only thing that is alive is the thing that is amongst the dead

~A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle...~

~girl:Slow down im scared.

~guy:No,this is fun!

~girl:No its not,please slow down!?

~guy:Then tell me you love me.

~girl:I love you!Now slow down!!

~guy:Now give me a big hug.

~She gave him a hug.

~guy: Can you take off my helment and put it on your head, its bothering me...

~In the newspaper the next day,a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it,only one survived. The truth was, that half way down the road,the guy realized that the breaks were broken and he didn't want the girl to know. Instead,he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then,he had her put his helmet on so that she would live,even if it meant that he would die...

~If you would do this for the person you love,copy this and put it in your profile...