Cleaver Greene

Cleaver Greene's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: Australia

Occupation: Paralegal

Wish List

My complete RPing Details

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It seems like unlike most roleplayers on Gaia, I started the wrong way around. For me, writing straight prose for myself was the starting point and I moved onto roleplaying after my friend begged me to join them here. Part of me regrets it – I suspect I would have polished and finished more of my personal pieces by now if I hadn't started. Another part of me appreciates the opportunity to see the kind of things other people can come up with.

For anyone who's read my search thread, you'd know I'm like a fish out of water on Gaia. I found characters in their teens boring by ten, characters in their twenties boring by fifteen, and in my twenties I'm increasingly moving up the age bracket towards forty or higher. Perhaps I missed the anime craze, because I find it bland and dull – most of my colleagues don't see the appeal. Other roleplayers use roleplaying as a form of escapism from the everyday; I find the everyday more exciting than anything magic or superpowers have to offer. What I want to do is make the everyday life seem just that bit fantastical and magical, and if I succeed, I treat it as a job well done.

Anyway, that's me being the self-righteous c**t who should bugger off or shut up and put up. I'm not interested in hearing about whether people agree or disagree with the kind of personal observations I made or my personal preferences. Gaia has still facilitated my growth as a writer and credit where credit is due.

As a giant movie buff, I figure the best way to get to know the rest of me is by my taste in movies. My favourite 10 films in order of how many of the lines I know off by heart: 'Hunger', 'Gettin' Square', 'Rocknrolla', 'In Bruges', 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy', 'Jak Rozpętałem Drugą Wojnę Światową', 'Die Welle', 'Celda 211', 'Das Leben der Anderen' and 'Bloody Sunday'. I have also recently developed a great fondness for anything from Blue Tongue Films, so their films and shorts do get an honourable mention. This list changes almost every year, same as my taste in music, but it does a top job of showing what I'm like when I throw it together.

Image by Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ