clay jensen

clay jensen's avatar

Birthday: 07/01


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I want to line the pieces up.
Yours, and Mine.



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Sassy Banshee Report | 07/09/2017 5:34 pm
Sassy Banshee
Thank goose!
I'm glad that you liked it and that it cheered you up!
: DD
I was like, 'gaia says its his birthday. . .but which day was his birthday?! Gift, get a gift! OHMYGOD,IHAVETOSAYHAPPYBIRTHDAY'
Well, personally, I call it 'naked day'.
So. .happy belated naked day!
Cause it's the day you were born and you were born naked, ergo you have the right to spend the day naked without being judged!
Okay,you'llbejudgedbutstill. .
-Has a bad habit.-
But anyways!
You're welcome!
Sassy Banshee Report | 07/08/2017 12:32 am
Sassy Banshee
Was it your birthday?
It was, wasn't it?
Here ya go~
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PoshPix Report | 06/17/2017 6:21 pm
hi I am posh
Xhex Hess Report | 05/25/2017 6:56 am
Xhex Hess
That's why I stick to about 5... RPs, and I have maybe about 7-9 per RP, if that... but lately it's down to 2 or 3 RPs active, and only 2 have more than one char. Those are my lifeline RPs, so I'm used to those ones. I haven't created a new char in years, and that was only because the Elf RP needed someone else for a temp char storyline. Oh, I reclosed KittyFrost for the time being.
Sassy Banshee Report | 04/16/2017 9:05 pm
Sassy Banshee
Saw your status.
This came to mind.
So I'm just gonna put this here~
Xhex Hess Report | 03/11/2017 7:17 am
Xhex Hess
*hugs back, comfortingly but still tightly* I'm so sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what it's like to lose a close friend to dying. Is there anything I can do to help you through this?

zOMG is coming back to Gaia on the 13th of this month!!!!!!!

Yeah, I was glad it came back when it did. I was going crazy without it. But I was furious they had wiped it all. Not as badly as I would have been had I not backed up my game files and stuff first though. Yeah, we've had a lot of stuff happen in that short time. My lil bro got married early, for insurance purposes, but is still doing the wedding in October. My youngest niece turned 4 on the 5th, and my oldest child turned 11 on the 7th. So we had nearly back to back birthday parties that week. Chuck E Cheese for my niece, and Logans Roadhouse for dinner then Go Karting for my child's "party" after. We got my oldest Minecraft Storymode and the new Zelda game for her birthday, and my mother in law got her a lot of Pokemon stuff. Hubby's orders were sent up the chain and I assume approved, but haven't officially been signed or sent yet, so he can leave as soon as the 30th of May, possibly. We don't actually know when he's leaving yet though. And I got Beauty and the Beast the book, and read it all in one day. Oh, and IT'S SNOWING HERE!!!! we're supposed to have an inch or two from this freak snow storm, and then have flash freezing overnight and possibly some rain too.

How's the weather there?
Xhex Hess Report | 03/09/2017 8:10 am
Xhex Hess
Got my laptop back and they wiped it clean. FINALLY got almost everything put back on it and in working order, JUST IN TIME FOR ZoMG to be back!!!! YAY I can't wait. I'm gonna spend so much time there that I won't even think about ARK, or RP for much, or anything else til he gets home in June. *tackle huggles, then runs away, blushing*
Xhex Hess Report | 02/19/2017 7:47 am
Xhex Hess
I hope it does too cause, I MISS MY FRIENDS AND GAMES!!!! It arrived at the repair shop Friday. And Monday is a holiday so who knows if they will even get to it til Tues or Wed. It's still under the first year warranty til March or April, I believe.

It was a $1500ish laptop (bought both of ours with income tax return) so it better not need to be scrapped. I'm not that rough on my stuff yet. Usually it takes about 2 1/2 years before they seriously crap out on me. But this one is just a mic issue, so hopefully an easy fix.

I'm sorry you had to by a new one.Pat had to buy an upgraded one for her art stuff cause photoshop started locking up and crashing on her. How are things in your corner of the world? I'm surviving somehow day by day til he gets home. Got 99 days til he gets back if he leaves in May. 115 if he leaves in June. So I'm back to focusing on one event or holiday at a time each week. Mostly it's game night on Saturday nights, that I focus on cause that's at the end of every week. It's warming up here so I'm able to take the kids outside more often and today or tomorrow we are going to the duck pond to feed the ducks and walk around.
Queen of Memories Report | 02/13/2017 5:21 pm
Queen of Memories
          I've been thinking about making Nora for a little while. I can think of a particular hammer to use but I'm not sure if it'll be just the right size. Pyrrah is one I'd love to do since I miss her ; u;

          I miss you more though! Are you doing okay?

John The Baptist Seed Report | 02/13/2017 9:32 am
John The Baptist Seed
Your graphics for your rps are starting to look ace! You've come so far!


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