Please dont become a stalkur.
Hello, my name is... well I guess I cant tell you that now can I? I live in Utah, and I wont get any deeper there. Im just a troubles and disturbed human being. Though the only thing that keeps me going is my fake smile. I know that if I just went around everyday I would just be a downer.Who wants to hand out with some who brings your day down? I certainly dont! So I keep my smile there, in fear that if I let it fade. That I would only fall deeper into the darkness than I already am. I believe that my fate in this world is to inspire people with my art. Please note, dont look at the drawings I have right now. There so horrible and old!
I look into the sky everynight and everyday, hoping and begging that there is more out there for me. Of course there is I know there is. Though I already know it, and I know that it isnt what I want. I want a world where I can smile without lying, where I dont have to play with lights in the dark.
Well thats me! Your average/disturbed teenager.
Here are the people that love to be a nuisance to me. <3 Thats okay I still love you people.
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i will trade you 20,000 gold and items for unicorn
put unicorn on trade