Where to start? Well I'm a girl, (If you haven't noticed). When deciding the name for my profile I wanted something abnormal. So Yukiko and I got together and started looking up Japanese baby girl names. Chika originated from wisdom - if you want to find out exactly then look it up. I know a lot of you are saying that Chika means girl in Spanish. I know this. Which makes it pretty cool anyway because it just brings up a discussion.
I have an Instagram: BeccaLoulouC - I play very little guitar and I am still working on two hands on the piano. I've been playing the since roughly 2007/2008. I also love to paint and draw. My favorite game on here is ZOMG!
I love to role play however I'm not very good at it. Most people have considered me to be Semi-lit to Lit but I have a very low self-esteem so I just don't believe that. Why are you still reading? PM me you fool!
heart Thanks Yukiko for donating fautso's bottle heart