Dear Thing

I had to right a friendly letter to somone in class, so I've decided to right to you. You're the thing that is all over the place and keeps me from being a stupid person, and for that I thank you.

I'm not that good at saying things out loud so why not just say it to you. Although your just thin air a person inside my mind.

I don't know. Maybe you're real maybe your not. Who knows? Cause I don't. And I need your help. Im dieing. People may not see it on the outside of me, but if youlook into me I'm all gray amd deprived of things I cant yet have.

I'm not that sad.
Just kind of mad at this world that is unkind and crul. It takes away the imagination of childern at a young age. It was the saddest day for me when I faound out that Sants is dead. And fariys don't exist. But I still believe in Vampires.

There so awesome! I'm even going to make you one. Hello new vampire bff.
You're my new friend that sucks the life out of me. That's so cool. I'm happy that I know you. You're the one that listens to me all the time. Because your not real, just a figment of my imagination.

You may not be real, but I love you. Happy Happy Joy Joy. I love you, but I also hate you in so many ways. And to think, people love me.

Thank you for nothing, my thing of things.

Yours forever,