
chazster0924's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/23


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hi ok my name be chazster on her but i go by chaz (love it) ok i love to weld im freally good at it too unmmmmm on my spare time i go to the museum and watch the people there did the disections of brains and livers and hearts and stuff like just last week they let me do some of the disection of a unborn fital pig......i know i am i love rock and heavy metal and a little .....well i dont know what u would call it but i like panic! at the disco and skillet and bullet for my valentine and five finger death punch and cascada and fall out boy and a lot more .............. i also love kittys and all animals...i am a veggie-tarian and i total agenst guns and the war and if i could i would find some way to make prez. bush's life and after life a liveing hell cause of what are country had to pay for his stupid mistake.....sorry i really dont like my fave colors are black a faded red and pink and neon green........i dotn like people who hunt and like guns and deady weapons..............if i could i would make there life and afterlife a liveing and non liveing ******** nightmare............ummmm.............i think people who make a big deal about haw bad myspace and all the other things like myspace a re a bad thing should shut the ******** up cause its the bad peasons fault.. well kinda it is cause thekid let that person do that cause if u dotn wnat ur kids to be open to that stuff dont just tell them they cant have a myspace cause they well get one behind ur back and they the chance of them get hurt via internet if raped of what ever just rose and let they get one just have they set it to private of just keep a eye on it i mean geash i have my myspace for like sence it started and i have no petifiles on it or "bad people" cause my mom and my aunts are on there keepin me saf just have people to watch over them i mean holy piss filled jello ballons just let the leash go my little sister has one and she has seven freinds on it and they are all family members so that she cvan talk to them all she wants as long as some on checks her freind requests befor she goes and talks to people .........ok i will yet at u peopel later ok bye bye now


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XxLost-Angel-RafmyxX Report | 11/09/2008 9:32 pm
long time..
T_retsu_T Report | 09/24/2008 8:27 pm
I know I'm a day late but...Happy Birthday! twisted
Shumoku Report | 09/22/2008 5:56 pm
happy b-day tomorrow
Epic Hikaru Report | 08/14/2008 7:39 pm
Epic Hikaru
thnx for the complment about my socks xD yea sorry i saw wat u said but that was later cuz i wasnt near the computer lol sorry but thnx!
XxLost-Angel-RafmyxX Report | 08/13/2008 5:36 pm
Bigmikk Report | 07/29/2008 11:00 pm
im soo soo soo computer froze so i had to restart it...
Bigmikk Report | 07/29/2008 10:44 pm
Bigmikk there....
Bigmikk Report | 07/29/2008 10:29 pm
Bigmikk hi....n YAY!!!....1st comment....hehe OH YEA!!



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