Charo Chao

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I am Charo. I am a Chao who got lost in the mysterious woods around the Chao Garden. Upon my entry i noticed a faint glow in the distance. I ran to the glow and found an ancient temple. I went inside to explore the mysterious intoxicating light eminating within. There i found a jewel with the inscription " Chaos shall give you Power, Will shall give you Control". I grabbed the jewel intrigued with its beauty and splendor. Suddenly the temple began to collapse. I became dizzy as i ran for the exit. But it was too late. The exit had closed off. When I came to I was in the woods again near the garden. However the garden seemed to be in ruins...I stood near the edge and gazed up upon the Hero Gardens and below to the Dark Gardens. It looked like neither had been harmed ....yet. Now i have decided i will help my brother and sister chao. but what could one chao do against something that destroyed a whole garden of chao. Then i looked into the Chao Lake and noticed i had taken the form a strange creature. I decided this would help but it wouldnt be enough. I need to find Sonic and Shadow. The two who raised me a Neutral Chao.



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Demetrius Breedlove Report | 03/27/2008 10:02 pm
Demetrius Breedlove
Well don't you look sweet
Charo Chao

I must protect my friends