Cecil Gerswhin Palmer's (municipally-approved) "About Me"

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Behind the Cosplay

It should be noted that Cecil does not have an actual physical representation! There are a few "fanon" representations of Cecil out there. Honestly, I support all of them because who even knows what Cecil could be? We're given such little information that it's fun to just imagine whatever tickles our fancy! SO! With that said, my avatar might change between many different styles of "Cecil." But there's one thing that they all have in common: that one thing is that they are all Cecil Gershwin Palmer!

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нello, ғrιendѕ, ιnтerloperѕ, тravelerѕ, and ѕenтιenт нoυѕeнold oвjecтѕ wιтн тнe aвιlιтy тo υѕe coмpυтerѕ. мy naмe ιѕ cecιl gerѕwнιn palмer, вυт yoυ can ѕιмply call мe "cecιl."

ι aм an aqυarιυѕ, ι aм *CENSORED BY THE SHERIFF'S SECRET POLICE* yearѕ old, and love long walĸѕ on тнe nιgнт vale нarвor and вoardwalĸ wнιcн doeѕn'т acтυally eхιѕт. мy нoввιeѕ ιnclυde ѕocιal drιnĸιng (wнιcн ι'м parтaĸιng ιn rιgнт now), recordιng aυdιo ѕnιppeтѕ oғ мy adoraвle caт, "ĸнoѕнeĸн," and-- . . . oн. well, нow eмвarraѕѕιng. ѕorry aвoυт тнaт, ιnтerneт perυѕerѕ. ι waѕ jυѕт ιnғorмed вy one oғ тнe ѕтaтιon'ѕ ιnтernѕ тнaт тнιѕ "gaιa onlιne" ιѕ noт тнaт ĸιnd oғ ѕιтe. oн well.

anywayѕ, wнιle we're geттιng тo ĸnow eacн oтнer вeттer, ι woυld lιĸe тo ιnғorм yoυ aвoυт
мy joв. now, ι'м noт aт lιвerтy тo ѕay тoo мυcн aвoυт тнιѕ onlιne вecaυѕe мanageмenт wιll geт... a вιт... тeѕтy... ιn тнeιr oғғιce ιғ ι leт on aвoυт тoo мυcн, вυт wнaт ι can тell yoυ ιѕ тнaт ι aм a radιo annoυncer. yoυ мay нave нeard мe on тнe coммυnιтy radιo? ιғ yoυ нaven'т нeard мe on тнe radιo, тнen ιт ιѕ wιтн a нeavy нearт тнaт ι ιnғorм yoυ тнaт yoυ are вreaĸιng ѕeveral lawѕ rιgнт now. oғғιcιalѕ wιll вe on yoυr doorѕтep мoмenтarιly. yoυ needn'т rυn вecaυѕe yoυ're proвaвly already ѕυrroυnded.

нм... ι wonder wнaт elѕe ι ѕнoυld тalĸ aвoυт on нere...? oн, yeѕ! нow coυld ι properly wrιтe an "aвoυт мe" ѕecтιon wιтнoυт мenтιonιng мy wonderғυl, perғecт вoyғrιend, carloѕ? нe ιѕ мy oтнer нalғ, aғтer all. ғιgυraтιvely, oғ coυrѕe. lιтerally woυld вe a вιт weιrd. and awĸward. wнaт on earтн woυld ι cнange мy ғaceвooĸ ѕтaтυѕ тo ιғ ι waѕ daтιng тнe oтнer нalғ oғ мy ѕнared вody? ιѕ тнaт wнaт one woυld call a 'doмeѕтιc parтnerѕнιp,' or woυld ι нave тo deғaυlт тo 'ιт'ѕ coмplιcaтed'? wнo ĸnowѕ? ...-- вυт, ι dιgreѕѕ! aѕ ι waѕ ѕayιng, ι conѕιder мyѕelғ тo вe тнe aвѕolυтe lυcĸιeѕт gυy ιn all oғ nιgнт vale вecaυѕe ι'м тнe one wнo geтѕ тo daтe carloѕ. тнe carloѕ. тнe ѕcιenтιѕт carloѕ. yeѕ, тнe one wιтн тнe perғecт нaιr, ѕqυare jaw, and тeeтн aѕ wнιтe aѕ a polar вear ιn a ѕnowѕтorм. тнaт carloѕ.

laѕт, вυт noт leaѕт, ι'd lιĸe тo ѕpeaĸ a lιттle aвoυт тнe lovely (and тerrιғyιng)
cιтy oғ nιgнт vale ιn wнιcн ι lιve. nιgнт vale ιѕ a вeaυтιғυl and, overall, relaтιvely pleaѕanт place тo dwell. we нave good edυcaтιon ѕyѕтeмѕ (нeaded υp вy тнe нead oғ oυr ѕcнool вoard, тнe ever-preѕenт and ever-vιgιlanт glow cloυd - ALL HAIL THE GLOW CLOUD), вenevolenт dιcтaтorѕ, and DKSLDJKLSFJmdlsmd,sfdlskFJSKLFKsmd;smdl biggrin Ms,.feokqmklv

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edιт: ι'м ѕorry _вoυт тнe ιnтerrυpтιon ιn мy мυnιcιp_lly-_pproved '_вoυт мe,' de_r re_derѕ. тн_т poor т_ѕтe ιn gιввerιѕн тypιng w_ѕ dυe тo _n υneхpecтed ιnv_ѕιon oғ ιnvιѕιвle, 8-legged gerвιlѕ wιтн _ғғιnιтιeѕ ғor rυnnιng l_pѕ on peopleѕ' ĸeyвo_rdѕ and ѕтe_lιng only тнe "_" ĸey. perн_pѕ ι wιll _dd мore once ι geт тн_т ĸey в_cĸ.

edιт: ι aм нappy тo annoυnce тнaт ι нave ѕυcceѕѕғυlly naввed мy "a" ĸey вacĸ ғroм тнoѕe naѕтy gerвιlѕ! нappy day! alѕo, ι нave no ιdea wнy тнe ѕнerιғғ'ѕ ѕecreт polιce decιded тo cenѕor мy age. perнapѕ ιт waѕ тнe paѕѕword тo ѕoмe ѕorт oғ мaхιмυм ѕecυrιтy operaтιon? well, wнeтнer тнaт ιѕ тнe caѕe or noт, ι woυld lιĸe тo тнanĸ yoυ, dear readerѕ, ғor ѕpendιng yoυr oн-ѕo-precιoυѕ тιмe readιng мy 'aвoυт' ѕecтιon. ѕтay тυned ғor мore υpdaтeѕ wнen ι deeм тнeм needed. and alѕo вlender ѕoυndѕ. loтѕ and loтѕ oғ вlender ѕoυndѕ. нappy вrowѕιng, dear readerѕ.

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My lovely and PERFECT Carlos is played by Mister Science.

And here's the part where I get really mushy and all that jazz! So if reading gushy or mushy stuff makes you break out in hives or otherwise spontaneously com-bust, then I recommend you avert your eyes from the upcoming section... or drink to forget that it ever existed.

Oh, jeez. So, Andy... We've only known each other for a short while now, but it feels like so much longer. I don't know how else to explain it, but it feels like something just clicks; it's almost like we were meant to know each other. I'm super glad that we met in towns that day and that we could become friends.

It's really fun to get to play League, watch anime, bond over Night Vale, and listen to music together. I'm really glad that our time and place could align and that you could become the perfect Carlos to my dorky Cecil. I have high hopes for our friendship to develop and maybe, one day, become something more. Thank you for being so understanding, fun to be with, and all-around super neat! ♥

(and I can't wait to see Night Vale live in person with you!)

Credit for the Cecil and Carlos artwork that's featured in my "About Me", signature, and profile goes to the rightful artists; I own nothing! Those people are amazing artists and are the only ones that deserve the credit.