
catnapgood's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Oregon

Occupation: Student

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Hello, my name is Courtney. Though you can call me Cat, Catnap or any other abbreviation of my username that you can think of.
I like medicine, computers, and I do art.
I do commissioned work.
But I have a busy schedule.
If you want me to draw you, you should have a bribe and TONS of patience.

I'm also weird, and talkative.
I'm always available to chat with.


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LoveMagicFlower Report | 03/27/2014 8:41 pm
Of course, you are my friend after all. Don't really need these things anyway. xD
LoveMagicFlower Report | 03/27/2014 4:44 pm
That laptop sounds awesome! I hope you get it. 3nodding
Hey I've got a large sum of gold, is there anything you want? I've also got multiples of Koji the Red Fox, Herbalist Aisha, Milk the Cat, Bogie, Icy Marionette, Glacemella, and Rainy Day if you're interested.
LoveMagicFlower Report | 03/27/2014 3:26 pm
It'll be a year at the end of April for them. Lucas has a food handler's card, he's hoping that'll help getting that job at the theater since he sees so many movies there. If it falls through I'll send him your way for help, maybe you could help me too if my job search doesn't go well. You should get after your dad to help you with your tax returns. Hopefully you'll get your money soon, laptops are quite useful for many things, especially homework when you want to go to bed.
LoveMagicFlower Report | 03/27/2014 2:53 pm
I can bring you candy when you're stressing. 3nodding

Chance's mom applied in January this year for her PCC classes this year and got $2000 for books and the rest for living expenses, last year she applied about now and only got $500 which didn't cover enough and kept borrowing from her sisters since she had no job, living with her oldest sister even still now. She told Rebecca and Lucas that it was unrealistic to want to move out any time soon, and Rebecca got a job at Kmart in customer service, and Lucas had an interview at Century Theatres last Friday and is already working the next month helping with Easter bunny photos at Washington Square, and all she has is a work-study job she got through the school that gives her less than 10 hours a week. Needless to say, they hate her and her opinions and want to shove their progress in her face but can't until Chance gets moved out or he'll be kept from them.
LoveMagicFlower Report | 03/27/2014 1:37 am
Ahh wow, that's really great for her! I don't mind being stuck into wherever I'm needed, as long as I'm needed I'll be happy.
I'm hoping just filling out a FAFSA to get a Pell grant will cover the cost of community college, and that it'll be enough schooling to keep me going until I die.
The head nurse where my mom worked in her years in Florida went back to school and became a doctor, after her husband died and left her with four young children to take care of.
My mom suggested I do that if I get tired of nursing, but I'm too lazy to ever consider doing anything like that, especially not even being halfway there.
LoveMagicFlower Report | 03/25/2014 4:15 pm
No-slack study mode, eh? Maybe I'll come to you for help in summer, dink around when we get through it. 3nodding
I won't be able to apply for grants and scholarships in time this year so I think I'll wait until next year to go to college.
Been Googling and might just go for an Associate's Degree in Nursing at PCC. Might be able to have my employer pay to continue my schooling, and if not I think I'll be fine with an ADN.
LoveMagicFlower Report | 03/21/2014 12:46 pm
I'm trying to study up for my GED but keep procrastinating it because I just really hate school books right now, and when I do my mom nags me to clean, and when I clean she nags me to study. I'm fed up and want out.
X-ray tech might be good for me, my mom was a nurse's aid for 12 years and she now has two degenerating discs in her lower spine. I want to be helpful in whatever job I get, and want just enough money for little art projects when off work.
Hopefully we'll both have our permits soon. >: D
spookychu Report | 03/21/2014 9:09 am
you're welcome and welcome back!
LoveMagicFlower Report | 03/20/2014 10:03 pm
I'm going to a cabin with Chance, Lucas, and Rebecca for three nights starting Friday, hopefully the weather's nicer than last time.
I don't know if I'll be getting my permit within the week or in two weeks when my mom gets her check. Hopefully sooner.
That is quite odd, maybe they assume if you dorm you're going to use their car eventually? o: Or maybe it's a trust exercise made into a requirement. xD
I'm wondering if I can do online college for my college basics. Maybe nursing, there might be some shorter programs than getting a Bachelor's but better than an Associate's? Maybe go into the Navy for three years after college to have college paid for? If I did medical studies to become a doctor, I probably wouldn't get into medical school, but maybe there are other paths from there I could do? My only problem with college is the money it costs, I don't like it, and don't want to be paying for years or even decades later. ;n;
spookychu Report | 02/01/2014 2:20 pm
chello there, cute screen name and stuffs.
:3 mkay, bye!


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I apologize for the boring profile, I realized I hadn't updated it for years. Then didn't feel like putting much effort into it.