
Carnivorasaurus-'s avatar

Last Login: 10/17/2023 5:01 am

Gender: Male

Birthday: 02/12


Government Name: Ricardo
Street Name: Ricky
Age: 17
Height: 6'
Race: Caribbean/Azn
Orientation: Straight
Status: Single.

My BESTIE ! <3

Her name is Cheyenne Norwood and for me, it feels like we're sisters and brothers. She's the most fun person to hang around with and most definitely knows how to have a good time. She's never angry and when she is, it's funny to watch but she's a really special girl. More importantly she's my bestest friend ever and if it weren't for her, life would most definitely suck. I have no idea how long it's been since we met. I can guess about a year or 2 but damn she's got swag! Ahah so watch out people, she ain't just coming through. She coming through with some style. Aha but inside, through all the swag, she's a really nice girl to be around with. Smart, funny, party animal, aha she's definitely fun. I made this page to thank her for being my bestest friend ever which means that if you ******** with her, you're gonna be ******** with me. So don't and life will be good for you. :] I also hope that it stays that way. Aha what am i saying, it's gonna stay ;D. Love you bestie. heart

Guess Who Ricky heart ;D
Lol I Wanna Let The Whole World That I Love You So Much And You Make Me The Happiest Girl In This World(:
And I Can Never Get You Out Of My Head.
You Mean Alot To Me Your One Of A Kind Ricky<3
And I Am So Freaken Lucky To Have You And Your Lazy a** xD
Your Funny,Pervy(Sometimes),Fun To Be With,Positive,Lazy
But I Love You That Way Don't Ever Change Ricky
I Always Get So Happy When I See You On All I Could Say Is "RICKY<3 ;D" Lol
I'm Still Lmfao When You Made Me Go To (EVERYONE SHOULD GO THERE);D
But I Guess I Said Enough? o: Lol
I Love You R.M.
-Your One And Only<3[:


View All Comments

xDarknessxFallsx Report | 12/15/2014 9:30 am
You may be the one who's running things.
xDarknessxFallsx Report | 12/07/2014 1:05 pm
xDarknessxFallsx Report | 12/05/2014 7:11 pm
Oh instead of agreeing, psh. I see how it is.
Going lesbian. cry

Love you more. heart
xDarknessxFallsx Report | 11/30/2014 1:34 pm
I love you too meanie.
See, unlike you, I make your profile look nice.
I mean, come on, it's me obviously it's going to look nice. heart
xDarknessxFallsx Report | 11/22/2014 1:50 pm
Hey! No bad words on my profile....
It looks pretty without it. :c
xDarknessxFallsx Report | 11/22/2014 1:29 pm
Just wanted to check on things. I love you & miss you Ricky heart
next time you get on this make sure to hit me up!
xDarknessxFallsx Report | 08/31/2014 10:37 pm
Just wanted to check on things. I love you & miss you Ricky heart
next time you get on this make sure to hit me up!
xDarknessxFallsx Report | 08/31/2014 10:36 pm
Just wanted to check on things. I love you & miss you Ricky
next time you get on this make sure to hit me up!
xDarknessxFallsx Report | 08/31/2014 10:35 pm
Just wanted to check on things. I love you & miss you Ricky heart
next time you get on this make sure to hit me up!
x-iAmie Report | 08/31/2014 6:28 pm
Just wanted to check on things. I love you & miss you Ricky heart
next time you get on this make sure to hit me up!

