
carmen_0x0's avatar

Last Login: 02/11/2016 8:07 am

Registered: 05/06/2006

Gender: Female


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my kisses ~~
Kisses Given: 18
Kisses Received:58

Thank you all for the kisses ~ <3

[Thank you Melye for the foxtail and elemental wings] ~ heart

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Nine of Water: Rainbow Mirror
You feel a strong sense of internal integrity and inner security. You enjoy strong self-esteem. You are peaceful with your inner joy. You have accepted yourself and that has given you wisdom and harmony.
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I am lookning for art.

artshop with the cutest emotes! <3

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carmen's jourial

stuff and stuff...



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Kadaverus Report | 11/06/2012 1:50 am
huge difference
swedish like meat balls
germans like schnitzels
Kadaverus Report | 11/05/2012 4:35 am
thig er svanski!
I dunno if I should tell you this joke oo
Kadaverus Report | 11/05/2012 4:19 am
yess tell me oO
Kadaverus Report | 11/05/2012 4:06 am
nei duestch nei ekki sama danski talk2hand
American. rolleyes
Kadaverus Report | 11/05/2012 3:58 am
You're one of the few nordic people who accepts this.
Lots will deny this, especially the swedes and the icelandic.

Also, you should add me so we can PM
Kadaverus Report | 11/05/2012 3:30 am
HAH danski XD
thats cool smile
Kadaverus Report | 11/05/2012 3:19 am
aww alright then,
One question and I wont ask anything else about your location.

How do you say love (as in the verb)

Elska or Alskar or .... aother variation razz
Kadaverus Report | 11/05/2012 3:02 am
you have a nice profile but being able to see the other half of the face would be nice too.
Whereabouts in europe are you from?

I've been to iceland quite a lot
Kadaverus Report | 11/05/2012 2:56 am
squeee blonde!
Thats only half, wheres the rest of your face XP
Kadaverus Report | 11/05/2012 2:46 am
can i see a picture of your face?


Dont run away when it's calling from the edge,dont stay awake when you mind is out of your head


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R.I.P lischa.miss you < / 3