


Oh brother I can't, I can't get through

I've been trying hard to reach you, cause I don't know what to do

Oh brother I can't believe it's true

I'm so scared about the future and I wanna talk to you

Oh I wanna talk to you

You can take a picture of something you see

In the future where will I be?

You can climb a ladder up to the sun

Or write a song nobody has sung

Or do something that's never been done

Are you lost or incomplete?

Do you feel like a puzzle, you can't find your missing piece?

Tell me how do you feel?

Well I feel like they're talking in a language I don't speak

And they're talking it to me

So you take a picture of something you see

In the future where will I be?

You can climb a ladder up to the sun

Or a write a song nobody has sung

Or do something that's never been done

Do something that's never been done

So you don't know were you're going, and you wanna talk

And you feel like you're going where you've been before

You tell anyone who'll listen but you feel ignored

Nothing's really making any sense at all

Let's talk, let's ta-a-alk

Let's talk, let's ta-a-alk

Well I guess "it's been awhile' is too much of a stretched phrase.
I'm better than usual , I mean I'm...almost happy y'know? Things still aren't the same without Vix but I'm getting along just fine. I'm back at work , going to a church nowadays , visiting my dad often. I suppose i'm beginning to live a life of normality almost. Except for the being gay thing. Anyways I'm glad I'm able to let go and deal with the fact that she's gone. It's been four months already so recooperating just fine , I even got a new job at a day care. And I'm gonna start dating again too. I was thinking of settling down pretty much soon , and maybe even well....have a baby soon. I won't be getting one while dating a guy of course you know at the hospital , "sperm banks". So I guess that's it really , glad to see you all again.


Name: Reane Annabelle Strickland

Age: Twenty Four

Gender: Female

Height: 5ft. 3in. (I think been few months since i checked)

Race: Chinese / Persian / Hindu (Mom was Chinese , dad's grandma was part persian , Hindu from my grandfather on mom's side)

Single On Gaia- yes

Single in Real Life- yes

Siblings- one older brother college and twin sisters in jr. high

Favorite Foods- Leeks , Ramen Noodles , and Teriyaki

Favorite Shows- American Dad , War at Home , Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law , and Law and Order: SVU

Bands I Like- Coldplay , Shakira , Black Eyed Peas , Natasha Bedingfield

Favorite Movies-Saw , The Grudge , The Hills Have Eyes , Titanic , Hidalgo , and American Pie

Favorite Song- Breathe by Anna Nalick

Do You Have a crush on Gaia- y-yes

Hates- spiders , brussel sprouts and especially men in speados <3

Hobbies-Writing songs , singing them , dabbling in drawings , and playing guitar and i guess the computer

Where Do You Live - That's a secret XD


Viewing 7 of 7 friends


I want a Rain of Clouds and Hopless Luff


Viewing 4 of 4 comments.


Report | 01/02/2006 3:27 pm


Hello. I dont knw you, or your friend. But I'm sorry that she died. I pray for you, your friend and your mother, hoping you will be happy, and remember them; As they will rest in peace, to live again...here's a poe, i just thought of...
They say people in your life is like seasons
And anything that happen is for a reason
All you gotta do is keep prayin' and keep believin'
and a brighter day will be there to see you

Report | 01/01/2006 11:20 pm


Reane...I had no idea. For quite awhile I was wondering what was upsetting you but I never expected this. From day one when I met Vix as Michiko , my first impressio n was that she stalked me. Bt in more of friendly and loving way. She was a free spirit and I am going to miss her very much. In her honro I give you and her and her child my prayers. :kneels and prays does the catholic prayer : Father, Son , and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Captivated Capsicum

Report | 11/27/2005 11:22 am

Captivated Capsicum

crying you want to make me cry don't you? X.X thanks vix much love going out to you too.
Vixanna The Vixen

Report | 11/25/2005 9:12 pm

Vixanna The Vixen

Cheer up k just remember , I'll always be here for you. Just because a new life is ocming into the picture won't mean our friendship will change. You've always been like a sister to me and I love you very much Reane. I guess I have been off and aobut everywhere and about your mom. Don't take too hard , it wasn't your fault and there was nothing you could do. She's in a better place and I'm sure what only pains her in death is your unhappiness. So smile for all of us ok? As we still say "Who needs enemies when you have bitches like us?" *hugs* Now get your a** in gear ok!?

Vixanna wuz here! ^o^


12/27/05 R.I.P. Vixanna the Vixen
Somehow , I feeling everywhere I go you're around me.
I'm so accustomed to the sound of your laughter , grip of your bear hugs in such faunciful embrace.