Its BitBit Bitches

Candy_Ninja_15's avatar

Last Login: 05/03/2009 7:40 am

Registered: 04/27/2009

Gender: Female

Location: Ur Bed!! ;D

Birthday: 03/14

Occupation: HAHA! no job imma tease!

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Meh Stalkers


mEh PlAyLiSt

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TiS iS mEh


PlAy ThEmE mUsIc!

EaT Me BiTcHeS!

We ArE gOiNg To HeLl ArEnT wE!?

BiTbItS pRo:

-My name is Brittany aka Skrible aka emo barbie even tho, haha barbie aint gots nuttin on meh! aka bitbit i prefer bitbit. nd thats what ill go by. ill also go by Bee, Brit, britty, and probably something else depending on who u r.
- Im 15 and live in Illinois. I have Bright silvery blue eyes. I have blonde hair (i DyEd It. XD) . I am 5"9. and pale skinned. i look like, i dont even kno what i think i look dead other say i glow. lols. although, I truthfully DO think of myself as pretty. (CaS i Am) haha but seriously though im always told im beautiful. smile
-I am a freshy in High School. Yay. (NoT ReAlLy)
-My favorite color is red. (ThE cOlOr oF bLoOd Fu ShO!)
-um... i spaz out ALOT. But only cas im ******** awesome like that. Even though sum ppl get mad when i do cas they think i ignore them.(BrAnDoN <3) lol.
-i love scary movies. Im not usually scared but sumtimes i am so i always have some one watch it with me. nd i have to know they r there so they have to be touching me in some way like when im watching it with my parents i usually have the puppy or if its with a boyfriend......never mind. -.-' haha.
-My 'theme' song is 'I lOvE yOu' by tila tequila and yes it plays when i enta a room nd everythin.
-im easily ammused AND DISTRACTED! but im also easily bored. so i constantly need 2 b entertained.
- Ima tattoo and peircing fanatic i always want something peirced, i want a tattoo really bad, im gonna eventually get one with like a cluster of stars on the back of my neck itll be so pretty, but my bf thinks its dumb cas itll hurt like a mofo getting it done there, i know this but itll be awesome in the end. (PlUs ItLl HuRt So GoOd!)
-I AM SO ACCIDENT PRONE! I GET HURT EVERY DAY! i stabed myself with a knife yestaday ( ApRiL 3rD, 2009) while doing DISHES! WTF!? nd the other day i tripped over my dog. IT WAS PITCH BLACK AND HE WAS LAYING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM! Yeesh.
- halloween is the best holiday evr nd i will still be trick or treating till im like 50.
-Meh Boy best friend robert is da shee-it i love him to death hes like my bro. but i moved so we go to different skools but he is awesome. Meh nd him have done the crazyest s**t nd we still do. neva dated him neva will. lols. its not like that but people usually assume we r dating cas we r inseperable, we arent but we dont care what people think we just let em think wat they wanna.
-Meh Girl Best friend Heather is like my soul sista we talk about evrything nd we r never shy about it. we seriously have been bffs since grade 1 so we WILL talk about anything and everything with each other theres neva any secrets between us.
-I am wild as hell if u hold me back i will drag u along with me.
-My favorite fruit and flavor is cherry.
-I am in a relationship with the most amazing guy BRANDON! hes my life now. i am absolutley in love with him. hes really THE most important thing in my life and one of the only things that can make me happy and sometimes sad, when we fight, but it always works out well in the end, cas we love each other and we always try and make it work, and we make our relationship easier than most couples do, hes the guy, im the girl, we listen to each other, i CHOOSE to take care of him, nd he chooses to do the same for me, most relationships are complicated but me and him r a pretty easy going couple. even though hes still acts like a guy, and i still act like a girl, so we have our differences, but in the end we always have each other, nd i love that, and i love him. We are easily the cutest emo couple you will ever see. haha!
-the only type of guy i really like is the emo kind (mY bAbY! ♥). or ones with smart a** attitude. (sTiLl My BaBy! ♥). I love it!
-My favorite books ARE the Twilight nd Harry pottr series. I love all of them! But im gettins like addicted to these books that r called like crank nd glass nd impulse nd burned but i dont rememba the author XD.
-My Favorite clothing department is Hot Topic.
-My favorite Movie is The Nightmare before Christmas.
-MY FAVORITE FOOD IS CANDY! which is Y my avi always has a lolli. ;D (HaHa ImMa SuGa AdDiCt!)
-Fave soda is Mountain dew. Im addicted to it 2. lols.
-ummers,,, If there is anything else you want to know Comment my profile or private message me. THEN ADD ME (oR dOnT)! And if u dont like wut u see...


MeH bUdDeHs


View All Comments

GirlyEmoChic Report | 08/05/2009 12:18 pm
hey thanks for the add. didnt you add me from youtube?
hah i really dont remember...anyways, kool profile, luv the bg and especially ur background music! its awsome xD
and yay~another emo biggrin
emomuffinlover Report | 05/07/2009 1:23 pm
whats up
emomuffinlover Report | 05/02/2009 1:44 am
lol it will be all right
emomuffinlover Report | 05/02/2009 1:20 am
i hope so 2
emomuffinlover Report | 05/02/2009 1:14 am
emomuffinlover Report | 05/02/2009 12:58 am
Dr Barleysheath Report | 05/01/2009 4:20 pm
Dr Barleysheath
yeah, they got some good songs. nothing to mosh to, but they aiight
i'm personally more into slipknot, disturbed, system of the down, and misfits.
to name a few
Dr Barleysheath Report | 04/30/2009 7:44 pm
Dr Barleysheath
mmyeah, i can see that.
so, you like my chemical romance
Dr Barleysheath Report | 04/30/2009 3:11 pm
Dr Barleysheath
well, aren't you eccentric?
my name's carmendy

I WuV PeNgUiNs