
Buttercup4U2's avatar

Birthday: 11/01


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I♥butterflies in my stomach
I♥how one little thing can hold everything together.
I♥watching movies while wrapped in a blanket with someone I love.
I♥meeting someone who instantly understands me with no explanation needed.
I♥lying on the grass in the summer looking up at the sky.
I♥feeling confident.
I♥lying outside staring at the stars.
I♥watching snow blizzards from my window.
I♥them sudden suprises that you get when you don't expect something to happen but it does..
I♥cat's and there way of being around you.
I♥going out with friend.
I♥the day's I will never forget.. that's not true. Some day's I just want to die because of those days.
I♥my guitar
I♥being around people.
I♥my sister.
I♥hugging with my friends.
I♥looking up at the sky and running circles until I fall.
I♥running away as fast as I can.

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Shadow Bunny X3 Report | 01/01/2010 12:08 pm
Shadow Bunny X3
Hi ^_^



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