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I'm an all natural southern peach...no artificial flavoring added :]
Real nonchalant laid back, but pretty intense at times and always in deep thought.
A little on the dark side, I'm what they would call a little beatnik with a love for photography~
I believe anything is possible with some imagination, my views and taste isn't exactly of the common protest-everyone hates them
biggrin So, my age is merely a number and doesn't affect my maturity. However, I'm phys co, hella crazy and up for anything!
The names' Bunny.
This biography epically fails ftw.
Hit ehtt ;B
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it was a hassle for me to forgive myself... but I did for all that s**t that I did... you gotta do the same... btw... the whole time I read that, I wasnt like "DAMN b***h! SHUT THE ******** UP AND SUCK IT!"
like you probobly expected me to be... I was very happy that you were more apologetic and rather not stubbon at that, I am proud of you for that... and by the way... when you were like "you are one of the few friends I can talk to without hitting on' I laughed and smiled... its funny that you say that, because everyone calls me a flirt (not excluding myself) oh... and btw... Im goanna send you this message I just got...
If kisses were water, I will give you a sea. If hugs were leaves, I will give you a tree.
If LIFE was a planet, I will give you a galaxy. If friendship is life, I will give you mine.
It's "World's Best Friends Week." Send this to all your good friends, even me (if i am one of them).
See how many you get back. If you get more than three, you are really lovable