
Mainly on Gaia I like to argue and sometimes be silly.

Since I argue so much, here's a brief summary of where I stand on the hot issues discussed on this site:

1) Iraq war- I think it was uncalled for, but I went there anyway. I believe that we need to get the OIF coalition troops out of there due to sectarian voilence. I don't believe we're going to acheive the goals we intended to, and are only going to hurt ourselves by staying.

2) Gay marriage- fabulous! People should be allowed to marry whomever they want.

3) Drugs- legalize and regulate marijuana. Restrict it in the same way alcohol and tobacco are restricted. Decriminalize posession of other illegal drugs and eliminate zero-tolerance laws, but crack down harder on dealers and manufacturers. Put more emphasis on rehabilitation rather than punishment for addicts. It would lower costs to taxpayers in the long run and be better for society in general.

4) George W. Bush- Personally, I really dislike him. But he's smarter than a lot of his supporters and smarter than a lot of the bandwagon Bush-bashers. I wish a lot of them would shut up.

5) English teeth- I'm sorry, I really am, but yeah... that stereotype is basically true. I am British by my genetic makeup and American by citizenship, but I live in England. I have bad teeth but had fantastic dental care growing up so I'm in between somewhere, but I have never seen worse teeth in my life, and I have visited third world countries. If you grew up in England and claim there is no such problem, you are mistaken, my friend. You're just used to it.

6) Everything else English- except parking in my local area, and winter daylight hours- rocks. Especially Jaffa cakes. I love England.

7) Freedom vs Security- Freedom, baby, yeah! I favor being a little less safe if I can be a little more free.

cool Religion- I'm an atheist. People should be free to believe what they want, and the government should stay out of it. Spirituality is too personal to be regulated by institutions (other than religious institutions, of course).

9) Pro-anas: An illness, not a lifestyle choice. I think pro-anas are evolving into an entirely new eating disorder, though.

10) Abortion: not so simple as pro-life vs pro-choice. Should be legal but strictly regulated, and not abused.

11) Boxers, definitely.



Viewing 10 of 11 comments.

Isela Flight To Fancy

Report | 09/04/2006 6:32 pm

Isela Flight To Fancy

your avi is soo old fashion looking but i luv it!

Report | 04/16/2006 12:19 am


I love you......*Holds out box of muffins*
Ghoulish Reminders

Report | 04/09/2006 1:03 pm

Ghoulish Reminders

You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed my sarcasm, and felt the need to get defensive about it!

Report | 02/28/2006 1:17 am


Greetings. As much as I hate the idea of women being shot at,it is nice to speak with somebody who id willing to put their life on the line for their country.

Report | 02/24/2006 10:57 am


hello, I see you sometimes in GD and I like your opinions...
and the tiara is great.

Report | 02/24/2006 10:35 am


- Le Massage -

Report | 02/21/2006 1:28 pm


Yep yep. Really like the tiara. biggrin

Report | 02/02/2006 1:13 am


Thanks Clio! Someone gave it to me. Love the cape.

Report | 02/01/2006 2:43 pm


No problem!
It was a randome comment xD
I don't like when there profiles without comments...
Have a nice day! :]

Report | 12/30/2005 8:46 am


Kick a** tiara, Bulky!


Some people have called me cruel. If anything, I'm too kind.