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Brooke Sulli // Seventeen // Single

what does not kill me, will make me stronger.

My name is Brooke Sulli, call me whatever you prefer. I was born August 17, 1992 therefore making me 17, and a Leo. I live in Cape Coral FL, I drive, and I have a part time job. I am a photographer, a designer, an artist, a painter, and a creator. I am confident, I am outgoing, I am spontaneous, and I am a lot of fun to be around. I drink, and smoke. But i don't do drugs. I am proud to admit that I am an imperfect person, but i try my hardest to strive as close to perfection as possible. Please understand that I am not here to try and impress you. I've learned that there are people that like you, people that look up to you, people that want to be you, and people that hate you. I won't let anyone bring me down, and i refuse to live my life the way you want me to. Ive always stood out from the crowd, and i will continue to do so. I am someone whom you will never forget. I tend to make big impacts on peoples life's, and if you get the chance to know me outside of the internet world, I'm sure you'd feel the same. I live with no regrets, but i learn from my mistakes. I keep my head up, and my feet forward, I walk down my own path, and I never look back.

-xoxo, brooooke