im just a regular teenage girl
with the occasional emo moments,
and the occasional major crush on a hot guy.
i have friends that would defend me to the death,
mess with me,
they will mess with you smile
the dark side of the world intrests me greatly,
death, corruption, betrayal
vampires, werewolves, serial killers
but im not crazy!
i love the lighter side of things too
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Well, good luck with your tests. Gotta do research pour ma classe de francais now anyways -- hopefully that was grammatically correct. xd
Ahh... I just posted the first chapter of Call Me in my Journal. I've been playing around with the idea for a few days, but I finally did it! Do you think anyone will read it?
And then there are the times when I get random amazing inspiration from doing something as simple as staring at a coffee cup. D:
AUGH! I always say too much when it comes to writing... -embarassed-
"Dig me now, ******** me later/ And sing it to the tune of f*****t, f*****t, f*****t, oh! ..."
Erm... if you didn't laugh, it was funnier in the actual context that I wrote it in. -sweatdrop-
s**t! That reminds me that I need to post the last shappie of my Death Note fanfic here on Gaia. gonk
So you have B Lunch normally (zOMG, that's like BL!)? Mmm... then I'll see you around lunch when the normal school days begin again after break... even if I have to hunt you down! No one should sit alone. -roars- :O
[You normally have B, right?]
I was listening to your music and I was like 'Hmm.. this is what I used to listen to." Then we hit 3OH!3 and I thought, "Well, okay this is more like it. I have this on my playlist." And then it went to MSI and I was like, "WAIT. I'm still listening to Bethany's list... right?! WHAT?! MSI?! -freaks out-"
So yeah. biggrin
Oh! But I have B lunch tomorrow. Do you?
Sad that 'Minikimii' has nothing to do with 'Lisa', right? -laughs-
So, how are you enjoying Hamilton?