
brokeneverybone's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 04/04

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Hi, my name is Julienne. I enjoy chilling out, talking to people and definitely playing games. Love and peace.

Art, Bully: Scholarship Edition, Fashion & Beauty, Animals

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1337Alucard Report | 04/01/2011 10:00 pm
In case I'm not around to say it at the proper time this year:

Happy Birthday! ^^ <3
TheCrazyAsian08 Report | 01/30/2011 2:27 pm
Thanks for addin me! I hope we get to know each other pretty well. Later!
blue_toxic_panda Report | 08/20/2010 11:37 am
ty 4 buyin biggrin
1337Alucard Report | 07/09/2010 6:55 pm
I'm good, quite good. Life's been . . . interesting, but okay. XD

How have you been? ^.^
1337Alucard Report | 07/05/2010 7:37 pm
It's you! biggrin
I - I thought you might never come baaack. ;w;
ErinTringa Report | 06/12/2010 7:40 am
Hey! I haven't talked to you in awhile. What's up?
1337Alucard Report | 04/04/2010 11:22 am
Happy Birthday, miss Julienne! ^w^
*sings like a goofball*
1337Alucard Report | 04/01/2010 9:42 am
Hey, you....
Either you haven't been on, or I've been missing you through bad luck. XD

How are you, my friend? ^w^
BenjaminSS1990 Report | 11/02/2009 11:50 am
Hey, Whats up! I haven't talked to you for a while.
1337Alucard Report | 11/01/2009 1:28 pm >.>
How've you been? ^^


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"to my embarrassment, i was born in bed with a lady."


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