Greetings mortals!! You may call me Bree... I was known as Bl00dsucker for a while, but I got sick of people calling me bl00d all the time. I'm in college as an English Major, Education minor. Grammar is a pet peeve of mine, please don't replace the word you with the letter u. Same thing with the word and letter are/r. It's just a bad habit to get into when typing, a paper for school would not look right with all that in it. (And for those who saw the spelling errors in this first paragraph and didn't tell me, thanks a bunch.)
As you might notice, I have hypnosis and related interests among my other "tags". It is true, I have a healthy respect for the practice, having dealt with it in several different situations. I am not currently seeking to trance anyone new. On a note concerning the other side of the hypnosis coin, I do not under any circumstances submit to anyone else, I made the mistake of allowing someone into my head with too much power. Please, do not ask.
thank you for reading my profile. There will be a test, I hope you took notes! (just kidding... maybe
wink )
Feel free to PM me some time.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.
Thank you to all donated Black Ink to my Black Body Dye...You people ROCK MY SOCKS!
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Too bad. Pinches can be fun. ;p
Are you wearing green? ;D
Thank you~
Is there a main reason why I'm adorable today?
Happy Birthday! <3
I'm here to talk to if you need someone to listen. :3