i is Kase
Age: 23
im White
6' ft tall
im one of those forever alone guys
im an Aquarius :maybe that is why i like water so much
Anime: dif ones
Game: FF9 and many others
Kuja = fav. villian + Zidane & Freya
Color: Blue - Green
Favorite Food:chicken cordon bleu
TV: Aqua Teen Hunger Force and scooby doo(the old "69 and "70s ones
i do s**t thats stupid
i currently have a likings for signs from various ladies on here
,i do stagehand which involves the music business,so i put up with what ever music will get me money
i typiacally dont remember usernames unless they have been super awesome^^,here are 2 of them<3

tis is vvitty ^^

Here is my awesome art I received from some special friends:
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