
bran321's avatar

Last Login: 10/12/2010 2:33 pm

Registered: 05/21/2007

Gender: Female

Be on you <3

I could not ask for more <3

edwin mccain <3

I'm so paid.



Hi, my name is Brandi. I play Ice-Hockey. I play that when I need to vent a lot of times cuz it makes me feel better. I am a fun, outgoing, girl, but I'm kinda shy when you first meet me. I love to have fun and play sports. A lot of times I just wish life was 1 big party. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life but at the same time I've learned my lesson. I play ice-hockey at chilled ponds. Go on our website and check us out. That is a little bit about me. ttyl. <3

Me (: ^^^^