Boris Bourbinski

Boris Bourbinski's avatar

Birthday: 12/26


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-My Stuffs-
- I am 19.
- I have a loving girlfriend
- I have no pets, but I did see a fox I named Tsuneo once.
- I live in Hell's Waiting Room, Florida.
- I've lived there all my life
- I love being cold so much more than hot.
- I'm in college.
- I like roleplaying with competent people.

-My Gaia Life-
- I joined Gaia under a different name, but I need to lay low for a while.
- I used to roleplay all the time on Gaia, but then it got ruined by some bad roleplayers.
- I usually have pretty good ideas for stuff.
- I have a lot of good friends on Gaia.
- I have a few OC's for roleplaying and I don't like playing canon characters.

-Other Stuff-
- I love listening to music. I don't discriminate against genres. If I like it I'll listen to it.
- I am currently reading a few things at the same time, one being Game of Thrones.
- I have been playing Persona 3 and Persona 4 lately. As well as 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors.
- I'm listening to whatever I feel like at the moment.
- I am a co-owner and writer for the website



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Storm To Pass Report | 04/22/2012 8:57 am
Storm To Pass
Thank you for the donation C:
I haven't had the time to sit down and properly chat with you. Hopefully when school dies down I'll have some time to do so.
NerissaWolfe Report | 04/21/2012 9:07 pm
Deleted and ignored. Why do you even bother, weirdo who takes the internet too seriously because they have no life? mrgreen
Storm To Pass Report | 01/15/2012 3:52 pm
Storm To Pass
Where'd you go man? I haven't seen you on in ages. Hope all is well.
If I lived closer we should totally go clubbing
None of my friends here want to go emotion_donotwant


"The more perverted you make it, the more interested i get." - Freed

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