There's not much to tell.My first name is Robert, and that's the only one you'll need to know. Don't even ask for my last name. I sometimes like to talk to strangers here on Gaia. Try me if you want.
I live in Toronto, and that's as specific as I'll be. Don't even ask for my address.
I like:
to read
to play on the wii
to be on Gaia
to be on Youtube
to play the violin
boys XD
High School- last 2 years were a blast!
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Miss you! sad
would come back. I mean, I haven't been on in a while, but every once in a
while I think, "Hey, maybe BB's back!" and rush here... but nope. I feel like I
have so much to tell you! And then I realize that so much has happened that
it would be impossible for me to tell you all that I want to.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really miss you. We always did have
some amazing talks, and you were always able to help me out so much with
what was going on in my life. Sometimes, I think I even managed to help
you a little 3nodding
I don't know what brought this up. No, it's definitely not the first time I've come
here hoping that, and I'm sure it won't be the last. It's not even on the
anniversary of anything important that I can think of. Nothing big or bad or even
good has happened to me lately.
Maybe I'm just thinking about how things were, and how I really want them to
go back that way. I mean, not entirely. I don't think anyone wants that, ever... but
I really do miss you. Your jokes, your insight, your wisdom, your help... just you.
I know that probably sounds really bad and really desperate, but... at best, you
get back on and at least feel the need to tease me. At worse, you never get on,
and I never hear from you again.
Honestly, I would love every ounce of tease you had in you.
So... I guess if I never hear from you again... I hope you remember how close we
were. I hope you remember how you helped me through coming to terms with
myself. I hope you remember our conversations about everything and nothing...
and those times that we used to fight... and kind of crush. I hope you miss me
about as much as I miss you. And I hope that we both find happiness, just like
we wished each other so often, so long ago.
I think I've made little enough sense for tonight, so... just come back. Please.
Happy late birthday.