Blunt Bacon

Blunt Bacon's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/15



Age: Old enough xp
Name: I go by Blunt in casual forums and role play under the name Dahlia, but if you're lucky you'll get to know my real name.

Gaia me

I enjoy role-playing and am almost always in character. I do tend to stick with a feline but am open to ideas. Chat me up! >^-^<

Please know: One sentence replies is a fast way to make me lose interest. Just saiyan.

IRL me

I hale from Canada.

I enjoy all things anime. Over the years, I've seen so many anime's that I can't pick a favourite. ^-^

I enjoy games of all sorts. I really enjoy learning new games.

I <3 All Star Trek, and probably know more about that universe than you, wanna fight about it??


I heart Bacon!

"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die."
Random PMs make the day go by
Everyone's Favorite Enabler!
Sneak Peek