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Solisto The Arcane Report | 05/24/2017 2:35 pm
Hi o-o
Fuclc Report | 02/28/2015 9:53 pm
Just stopping by to say hey bud. Ttyl
Solisto The Arcane Report | 12/01/2014 7:14 am
foedace Report | 03/28/2014 11:06 am
I will take note of that.. Seems like you and your dad goes on an expedition every once in a while.. Sounds fun.. whee
foedace Report | 03/28/2014 9:52 am
Oh.. Thank you for the reminder.. XD
I just hope I remember that once I get there.. Whenever that would be sweatdrop
Are they available almost anywhere in the mountains? or is there a specific area where they grow?
foedace Report | 03/27/2014 1:11 am
We don't have them here..
I see.. Maybe I'll be a taste of those once I go visit the US since we don't have those here... crying
foedace Report | 03/26/2014 6:31 am
I was not sure what they looked like so I googled them XD
I've never ate those kinds of mushrooms before..
How do you usually cook them?
foedace Report | 03/25/2014 10:29 am
Lol.. That's good then 3nodding

emotion_jawdrop That must be horrible.. I hope you'll recover soon..
What happened? Why did you get infected?
foedace Report | 03/24/2014 9:56 am
Good to hear that.. It would be really horrible if it was like all storm season or whatnot.. XD

At least you get to enjoy some days out.. 3nodding
foedace Report | 03/20/2014 1:02 am
For real? I didn't know that the weather's that complicated there. rofl


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blueRose98's avatar

Last Login: 03/09/2024 9:31 pm

Registered: 03/19/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/31



click here to read my poetry, and please comment whee 3nodding whee

Anyway... it's pretty obvious of what i obsess over ^_^ That's right, i'm an amateur poet. A little while ago poetry became a new life for me 3nodding and i took a shine to it. Check it out in the Writing Arenas there's more than one page ^-^ i LOVE comments, unless they are rude. if you tell me something needs work(nicely stare ) it only helps me ^-^

But enough about my writing (finally right wink ) here's the other 60% of my life.
... friends. i would be nothing without them all, i'd probably be a totally different, more sad depressed person, if i didn't have them to cheer me up or to deal with my social more personal problems (i'm screwed up emotionally so they keep me half sane XD ) We all deal with each others problems and by doing so we stay together....... like some crappy analogy i cant make up...
The only way you can know me personally is if i know you in real life

(yes i do like to talk a lot if you don't like it, you don't like me so why the hell are you reading this ? and yes i can hold up an intelligent conversation for a while before my brain explodes from over use...)

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lov33cats on 12/20/2020

danger: now entering my mind O_O

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the summery of my life O_o

about my friends,my life

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Shaylee Smith
crucifix of fate
teckzin of the wind
Little Anju

she was my first friend on gaia ^_^








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Read Mah Comics >=P =D

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IMMA NARCISSIST!!!!! ... and a giant... rawr!!

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i am a guy, i just have a slight obsession with anime....

copy if you want ... i didn't make it XD

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this is only here so i don't have to dig up the white background again.....I'M LAZY GET OVER IT.....

my best friend almost killed me 5 times o,O... on accident XD.. you ask" but why are you still friend's with her"... weeelll you try leaving someone who threatens your Ex more than Satan rofl

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