Unlike my profile, my about me is going to be simple and short. But mostly because I don't want people to know who I am, cause I'm really just a regular person. A regular person who is in the music business.I'm not going to say who I am, but I have a quite a bit of control in the music industry. And take heed that I am an extremely tough critic, so if you send me something hoping you'll get signed and I don't think you have any talent whatsoever, that's what I will tell you. I work like Simon Cowell, if I see (or rather hear) promise in your voice I will work with you. If not, I will tell you straight out and not sugarcoat it. If you think you have a talent shoot me a link to one of your covers or songs and I'll critique it. I don't promise that I can sign you, but if I see promise I can refer you to something, or take you under my own wing.
My only request... Never try out for one of those television shows. America's Got Talent or American Idol or whatever. Just don't. Ever. They put you under the most stupid contract.
but yes smile
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