I live life

Hey, I'm Jake. I read (alot), write, sketch, play guitar, some drums, watch anime, and love music. Movies are a life passion for me that rivals my love of music. On the physical side of things, i hate organized sports (don't ask me why, I'll just lie hahaha.) so i pretty much stick with unorganized. rock climbing, underground brawls (I personally believe everyone should try it at least once), and other stuff. Oh yeah, insomniac. don't really ever sleep more than an hour every few days. So I'm a little sporadic at times (sorry). I LOVE HONEY!!!! Stuff is the nectar of life! Work, and when i'm not doing that i split up my time with my family and friends. If you need to talk to a stranger, who you never met but still call a friend, I'll be here for you. 'Sides that, fine people, i don't know what to tell ya....