

Name: Somber
Age: 23
Race: Demon
Gender: Male

Special Features: Has one torn demon wing on the right side, a blue eye patch also on the right, a long scar down his left shoulderblade where his wing was ripped out, and a barb-wire scar wrapped around his neck.

Personality: He's easy going and very optimistic. Smiles easily and not hard to satisfy, Somber likes to take pictures with people and is very social.
He is in love with an angelic being named Atticus. He's very tollerent of his lovers attitude and understanding of the mans feelings of betrayal.

History: When he was very young he was abandoned by his mother with no explanation, he always thought it was because she couldn't take care of him. Not long after he was abandoned in the alley he was found by a group of men and forced him to go with them. In exchange for food and a place to sleep he was raped and beaten everytime he turned around, as a result he lost his eye. It started to get really violent when they ripped his wing out and was almost choked to death by a line of barbed-wire. He finally got sick of it and went into a blind rage killing every man in the place,an unfortunate loss in his rage was his best friend who was killed by his own hand, when he turned 18.
A few months after that he was hanging out in the city after work when he came across Atticus. At first the angelic man was annoyed by Somber's upbeat attitude but the silver haired demon noticed that the boy was in the same place everyday after work and they would talk. A few weeks later Atticus apparently broke down and confessed his love for him. Somber was shocked but smiled and took the pink haired boy to his apartment and they started living together.
He submitted to Atticus and understood the boy, and always forgives him for his violent actions towards him knowing that he is sorry and will change.


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/21/2009 6:06 pm


Hi, you're selling the blessing item on the marketplace and I was wondering if I can buy it without the 2% tax of the marketplace?

Report | 12/21/2009 5:25 pm


oisin for my rejected silver trophy it cost 1.5mil each x2 it cost 3mil
Jurate Loo

Report | 10/19/2009 2:12 am

Jurate Loo

by the way, when you use the new code I gave you, select custom for the old school code catagory. if you choose any others, it will mess up. D:

lookit my profile. thats how it is supose to look smile heart
Potatoe Py

Report | 09/28/2009 12:01 am

Potatoe Py

Looks like you need help with your new profile set up hun.. just let me know if you want my assistance <3
Atticus Tiano

Report | 08/05/2009 7:54 pm

Atticus Tiano

*still rather steaming* *grumbles but stays put*
Atticus Tiano

Report | 08/04/2009 5:22 pm

Atticus Tiano

LIKE HELL I DID! D8< HAVE YOU LOST YER MIND!? *storms off mumbling of no trust*
Atticus Tiano

Report | 08/03/2009 3:09 am

Atticus Tiano

um... yes? o.O iunno how either... I think jurate slipped us some kinda tribal s**t some time in the past that made it happen.. >>''

((a pm... sounds right.. um.. uh.. yeah lol))
Atticus Tiano

Report | 08/02/2009 1:26 am

Atticus Tiano

um yes? was an egg at first... >>;; you dun even REMEMBER??!! *flails with tears*

((ooc: check yer past profile posts))
Atticus Tiano

Report | 07/31/2009 10:17 pm

Atticus Tiano

Hey um.. Somber.. If this is what our babies will turn out to be when they grow up.. I don't think we should be making anymore.. *looks behind him wearily* I think he uh.. takes after you... even if he has my eyes. >>;;
Atticus Tiano

Report | 06/18/2009 11:22 pm

Atticus Tiano

*stops for a sec ad blinks innocently at you* stop what? *does another air thrust with his pelvis*