
Sucks that "ponies" are cool now. =3=;
This is the main mule account to 'Cataplexy'. I'm rarely on anymore; though, who knows?
What do you wanna' know?
.Polka Dots.
.Long Colorful socks.
.Nail Polish.
.Anything shiny.
xxBig no noxx
."Txt Tlk".
.My Neighbors.
.Orange Juice.
.The Lights On.
.Dull Scissors.
.Little kids.
.Polka Dots.
.Long Colorful socks.
.Nail Polish.
.Anything shiny.
xxBig no noxx
."Txt Tlk".
.My Neighbors.
.Orange Juice.
.The Lights On.
.Dull Scissors.
.Little kids.
For Your Time~


Your thoughts.... @w@
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Does this mean you like Hetalia??
Thank YOU for the bargain sell ;p
omgz u like icarly too!?!?!?!?