umm... what going on guys?
I guess I came at the wrong time...
hmm... a word wall... wonder what it says?I cant read...
If there is someone who talks about you and what you have a lot, there just jelous and they want what you have... Dont let them get to you no matter the cause... there is no patience for people like that...
I treat you as good or as bad as you treat me...
A guy and a girl were speeding 100mph on a motorcycle. Girl: Slow down Im scared. Guy: No this is fun. Girl: No its not please its too scary. Guy: Then tell me you love me. Girl: I love you, slow down. Guy: Now give me a big hug. *She gave him a hug* Guy: Can you take off my helmet and put it on yourself its bothering me. In the newspaper the next day: A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks were broken he didnt want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live even if it meant he would die. If you would do the same for a person you love copy this and put it on your profile
╔╦╦╦╦═╗Put this on your page
║╩║║║╔╗if you give free hugs ^^
Im a teddy bear, what do you expect ;D
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XD I'm kidding, kidding! Work hard on catching up King! Your in your final year aren't you, you've gotta keep on top of things this year, there's no more summer breaks after this one after all.
Hurgh, feel like I'm falling behind too. Gotta catch up on my work.
Your already doing work for school? I didn't realize that they started this early already. Are you excited about this year?
The weather's nice outside today, go and enjoy some outdoor stuff. :3