Rebecca 'Becca' Uley

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Birthday: 08/12


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Hey My Name is Rebecca Uley and I'm the baby sister (in a way) of Sam Uley. I am 17 years old and Sam is 22 years old. I'm native american, I have Long black hair, dark, intense brown eyes, russet skin (much like the others in my tribe), I'm about 5 foot 6 inches [so not too short/ but not too tall either], and I am normally about 120 lbs.
As a kid, I was best friends with all of the boys that lived on reservation with me as a child (i.e. Paul, Embry, Jared, Quill, and of course Jacob). The one that I was particularly close with since practically I was a baby was Jacob Black. Jacob and I were more than just friends; we were best friends. As young children, we did everything together. I think as a child I liked Jake as more than JUST a friend. He was the one friend that could make me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. When my mother died when I was 6, Jake was there for me...and stayed at my house for a week JUST to make sure I was going to make it through. He's always been the compassionate, caring friend. Jacob was a good kid; he was the goodie-goodie, suck up to the elders, always do the right thing kid.... and I was a trouble child. I looved to see how much I could get away with...and I usually got in trouble. When I was 7 years old, Sam sent me off to a 'tough love' boarding school in Alaska. I was discharged from the boarding school a few days before I turned 17 years old. When I came home Jake and I were reunited, and I soon learned that [not only did my childhood best friend had become EXTREMELY good looking and buff] Jake was a werewolf...which made me like him even MORE. When I came back from boarding school Jacob became like glued to me. He asked me out one night when we were in the woods having a campfire...and I said yes. Soon after that I learned that he had imprinted on me, which meant that he was in love with me. And it was no puppy love, serious, full-fledged love with ME...his best friend since we were like 2. We've been together ever since

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Team Jacob; Because he's my whole life