
bassooniac17's avatar

Birthday: 03/22


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Hello there!

Hello, I'm a 17 year old bassoonist from Maine. I've grown up, never being the girly girl, but not a Tom Boy either. I'm told I used to be plain looking, and, I guess I'm not anymore. Even so, whether my appearance is plain or not, my personality can be a bit overwelming if you don't know me. I'm unswervingly loyal to the people I love, and I get very excited over little things in life. I'm generally just a very happy, bubbly, random, crazy person. My favoite food is spinach, and I have a rainbow striped and polka dotted unicorn named Gregory. My car's name is LeRoy, aka THE BASSOONIAC MOBILE razz And I dispise the color yellow!

Ummmm my life=
1. Coffee
2. Being clueless
3. Bassoon
4. Reed Making
5. Friends
6. SJT ♥

Things I Like:
-Coffee (French Vanilla Extra Extra usually)
-B Major Chords
-The sound of chords resolving after dissonance
-Using lots of vibrato
-Loving everyone
-Being slightly Maternal
-Helping others
-World Peace
-The Sound of Laughter
-The rain
-Staying up late
-Guys in Books (oogling over them that is wink )
-Fuzzy Socks
-Soft Hair
-Talking about life
-Being hyper
-Nerd Humor
-Having my life theatened by Ben Zander and John Kohler
-The feeling of tears on my cheeks after a good cry.

Don't Even THINK About it
-Degrading others
-Annoying/Disrespectful People
-15 Page Essays (which I am neglecting)
-Buzzy Reeds
-Making reeds
-The 2nd Movement of the Weber Bassoon Concerto
-Saying goodbye


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Deja_Koo Report | 02/20/2011 11:27 am
DEBBIE biggrin
Gastlis Report | 08/27/2010 6:50 pm
Debbie! It's Evan! biggrin

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