
Basshunter9111's avatar

Birthday: 11/03


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Well i could say something about myself but naaaaah biggrin


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X_XCaptain AshX_X Report | 12/25/2016 8:33 pm
X_XCaptain AshX_X
It really has been a while! I rarely get on here. Only when extreme bored or procrastination sets in. I remember you a lil, but I'm happy someone remembers me. Bittersweet Nostalgia this place brings.
A Lovely Sexy Kitten Report | 11/03/2016 1:26 pm
A Lovely Sexy Kitten
happy b-day~
X_XCaptain AshX_X Report | 10/20/2016 5:55 am
X_XCaptain AshX_X
Heyy! Nothing much, just college and stuff. Surprised you actually remember me! Been so long since I have logged on!
bz0 Report | 02/05/2012 6:48 pm
u want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!
RaptorTongue Report | 07/20/2011 5:03 pm
User Image
asdfghjkl; long time no
see on Gaia, yeah?
Again, checking so notifications don't
pile up. e ____e'' Ahh, I see you changed
your Username too, eh?

IxBite Report | 11/07/2010 10:00 pm
how you been? havent talked to you in forever.
_Da-Sw33t3st-Sm3xi-B3tch_ Report | 10/03/2010 2:28 pm
hey Chris
X_XCaptain AshX_X Report | 09/27/2010 4:53 am
X_XCaptain AshX_X

_Da-Sw33t3st-Sm3xi-B3tch_ Report | 08/22/2010 2:34 pm
cuz i was going out wit a dude for like 10 months and never told my mom cuz i knew she wud get mad
and she got on and read my e-mails and stuff so she took away my computer and my fone
_Da-Sw33t3st-Sm3xi-B3tch_ Report | 08/22/2010 2:22 pm
im dewin alright...
i got grounded though crying
now i can only get on every 2 weeks



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The Pancake Master
X_XCaptain AshX_X
Titin Marie

Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence

The person I care and love the most in the world <3 She's awesome! And rlly nice :D

Guy:Jim can u help me? Therapist:sure with what? Guy:I cant Smile please help me smile I feel so depressed I need help Therapist:Well I do Have one solution *the guy gets up filled with hope* Guy:Rlly?! what is it?! Therapist:The Great Paliache he's circus clown he can make anyone laugh, he made a mom who lost two of her children, he actually made her laugh and I cant think of any other solution *the guy started crying and crying* Guy:But Jim I am The Great Paliache

Music Is Rhythm Of Life In Which You Should Flow With

Ish my family boi! or girl! or...watever :DD

A rlly good best friend :D

Dragon Ball Z!!!! the aweshomest show ever!!! Awww DBZ LOVE <3

Escape The Fate <3 One of the best bands ive ever heard,Well Actually My favortie band ever!! :D


Nvm i got that now :D

Hi everybody, Just here to talk about judgement on looks, race, color and gender, Well my belief is that anyone who judges anyone else simply by race color or gender is significantly flawed, I believe a person should be judged by actions, Morals, Personal out-looks on everything. Who we are, Who we will become is what matters in our life, Just because you are the race you are doesn't mean you need to act like that race does or just because your of a certain gender doesn't mean you need to look or act like how that gender does, or just because you were or are raised under a family that believes in a religion doesn't mean you need to believe in that religion, Or just because you were born under a country that salutes a flag doesn't mean you need to salute it aswell, But people are so blinded by social politics and family beliefs, That they forgot who they are or who they wanna be, I believe that we should just be ourselves rather than where we're from or what we are...Ok ttyl :)