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Bar-Fighter's avatar

Last Login: 02/21/2014 11:58 pm

Gender: Male

Location: In A Bar Somewhere In Los Angeles

Occupation: Bar Fighter


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YO Hi everyone my name is Bar-Fighter and i hav o nly 1 religion and it is Freshness. If u on meh page and u aent fresh then get off meh page because u dont deserve to be on meh page. Those are just the basic laws of Freshness if i were to tell u everything about freshness then u would be a Freshinest and thats not good because there is only allowed to be 3 people in a freshinest clan and all the slots are filled so if u are a hater and dont belive in freshness then get the BEEP off meh page. Thats That

Ni Hao

If you aent Fresh than you are a hater and if u are a Hater than u must die and if u must die than i must go to jail and if im in jail u have already gotten ur revenge on me so the score is settled
Dont be alarmed about the thing up there its just to make about me longer so just ignore it.

So oh yeah about me Im cool, sweet, awsome, and kind. I think thats enough about me how about u.


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Sly x Nightmare Report | 07/21/2009 8:32 pm
Sly x Nightmare
uhhh good I guess o.o turned 16 yesterday ;D me wants car nao O:<
Sly x Nightmare Report | 07/21/2009 8:07 pm
Sly x Nightmare
yes he threw up a few times today. My mom thinks its food poisoning from some chicken from BK he got the day b4. bcuz my Aunt marry and my cousin Samantha had chicken too. They also threw up. hmmm
Sly x Nightmare Report | 07/21/2009 7:49 pm
Sly x Nightmare
hello shmalex. how's life? ;D
l2yker Report | 06/17/2009 9:16 pm
-rubs non-freshieness on your profile-
Sly x Nightmare Report | 06/17/2009 7:27 pm
Sly x Nightmare
alright owo ty
iLOLkyle Report | 06/17/2009 6:45 pm
i made a forum tht if u make a tektek tht i like u can win 10k biggrin
u can try to win if u want its here write in forum if ur gonna try and ten post it there read the rules
iLOLkyle Report | 06/17/2009 6:45 pm
i made a forum tht if u make a tektek tht i like u can win 10k biggrin
u can try to win if u want its here write in forum if ur gonna try and ten post it there read the rules
iLOLkyle Report | 06/16/2009 10:05 am
>:3 razz biggrin ok
i got another jumpin 35 pak XD
well now its 34 but it dont mater
and i made the worthog look like the batmobile but it comes apart ifu go to fast
lo its like a slow armored tank wif a lazar turret but when u go so fast its armro breaks off and its a get away from the play chasing u
and is cant be killed in 1 hit by anything not even spartan lazar or rockets its so cool but 2nd hit mite kill uXD
iLOLkyle Report | 06/16/2009 9:39 am
ok coolio come over
right now DONT GO THREW BACK YARD theres a demon dog tht was about to rip off mine and scotts testiculars
go around and ring door bell when u get her
iLOLkyle Report | 06/16/2009 9:28 am
ring the doorbell this time
Sly x Nightmare

Don't Stop Beleiving... Hold on to THAT Feeling