Back Alley Abortion

Back Alley Abortion's avatar

Registered: 06/25/2007


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Roadpizza on 10/18/2022


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sharkdad Report | 03/02/2011 9:38 am
You know how Jello and other related products are made from Animal skin and bones?'s that.
sharkdad Report | 03/02/2011 9:16 am
it does seem to do that.
Hilaria Fireflash Report | 03/01/2011 7:49 pm
Hilaria Fireflash
haha! thanks x)
i was looking at soy milks and ******** "hemp dreams" was in the corner and I had to get that instead!!
its so delicious dude!
Hilaria Fireflash Report | 03/01/2011 7:27 pm
Hilaria Fireflash
im hilary! whats up? x)
Hilaria Fireflash Report | 03/01/2011 7:22 pm
Hilaria Fireflash
thanks dude 4laugh

your profile is great hahaha
Ludickrous Report | 03/01/2011 5:46 pm
Yeah, Lemons is my real name. I had it changed after high school because "Francis" wasn't cutting it.
Ludickrous Report | 03/01/2011 5:31 pm
Well Hi, I'm Lemons. I once had a friend with the same name as you, but it was a boy pretending to be a girl. You wouldn't be doing that too, would you?
Calypso movement Report | 03/01/2011 5:26 pm
Calypso movement
Ah shite, I was sure you were someone else.
But thanks for answer.
Ludickrous Report | 03/01/2011 5:22 pm
Nah, that's too ******** up to be in my sig.
She's just getting some dental work done.
Calypso movement Report | 03/01/2011 5:22 pm
Calypso movement
What is your name irl?