She Said, He Said...

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Sunshine Monstuuh Report | 08/22/2007 12:16 pm
Sunshine Monstuuh
B-b-but I wanna! User Image

Please can't I just get you one item?!


I'd make you share because I'd be freezing my a** off. Totoro. I need to watch that again. It's been so long... I haven't watching it since last night D:


I miss you, too Josh <//3

You and I need to hang out more. We should go to the mall and skip through the stores ^ ^;

Sunshine Monstuuh Report | 08/22/2007 11:56 am
Sunshine Monstuuh
>___> Shuttup Wayne.

Josh, thank you soo soo much for letting me pay you back. ILU BBY < 3

You must let me get you something, please? Least I can do since I didn't have the money at the time they came out :3

You should be over here with me in bed. Then we could both have chicken noodle soup and watch Invader Zim with out blankies >w<

Come get better with me, Joshems. Love yoo < 3
Poonumm Report | 08/19/2007 5:11 pm
Actually, i KNOW it's fun to make him cry.

Hey Josh.

Sunshine Monstuuh Report | 08/19/2007 12:57 pm
Sunshine Monstuuh
That's right. FEAR ME >D

Peeeddooooofilleee! He molested Amy. It was so scary it was funny xDD

Oh yeah, Wayne. HIM. He thought it was fun making you cry. But don't worry, I'll protect you. I'll make sure he doesn't hurt my Joshie < 33
Sunshine Monstuuh Report | 08/16/2007 7:17 pm
Sunshine Monstuuh

Josshh. Hey hun.

I miss you too! D;

Hah, freshman this year ey'? I hope you get jumped D:<
Poonumm Report | 08/16/2007 7:16 pm

It's Wayne, i talked to you before, on Yahoo and you cried, and i got <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">pleasure out of it

It was rude of me, i'm <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">not</span> Sorry.

I hope you have a <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">horrible</span> good day.</span>
Wishful Senility Report | 07/16/2007 10:40 am
Wishful Senility
xDDDD lol, yay for Ouran. x333
Wishful Senility Report | 07/15/2007 10:26 pm
Wishful Senility
xDD I love Ouran Host Club!!! User Image

Yay for finding a guy that likes Ouran!!! User Image
Wishful Senility Report | 07/14/2007 7:09 pm
Wishful Senility
xDD Yay, I'm shnazzy. xDDDD
Wishful Senility Report | 07/13/2007 10:32 am
Wishful Senility
xDDD lol, you should. xDDD jk jk

lol, seriously though, you rule. User Image

The Josh-Ness <3

Josh was made by his mother and his father getting down and dirty on that one special night.

& Jumbeliah

You may call me whichever you please to, or you can take the easy route and just call me JOSH. Whatever floats your boat.

I enjoy my life, so please don't try to come in and ruin it for me?
I have loved Broadway since January 20, 2003.
I enjoy rock. Not really any rap, but some depending on what it's about.

I am big on sports. Mostly swimming, but I've had to quit that a few times only for health reasons.
I roller blade competitively. 'Tis loads of fun :3
I also ski during the winter, which is also a blast!

Currently, I am single and I reside in my basement. It's cold and there are little man-eating mice down there ;-;
Honestly, I've only had one girlfriend and I loved her to world's end, but it turned out she had been with another guy while dating me. It hurt, but I got over her..eventually..
I hate her. She made me cry. I was so sad I wanted to eat your children. D:<


Dream Avi
User Image
Total Value: 1,331,377 Gold, 13,000 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Horns of the Demon
That 70s Blue Shirt
Black Glamrock Jeans
Guitar of Demona
Demonic Anklets
Fuzzy Penguin Slippers
Emo Glasses
Silver Pocket Watch
Ancient Katana
Long Drag

Currently Questing: Ancient Katana