AzureKing00's avatar

Last Login: 01/06/2024 10:40 am

Gender: Male

Birthday: 10/31/1994


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I was here a very long time ago and now I'm back! I've honed my skills and now I'm ten times the writer I was before!


My grammar still kinda blows though...


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Shy Passion Report | 10/30/2020 3:58 pm
Shy Passion
I'm not sure if I ever got a reply for it.
Shy Passion Report | 10/30/2020 3:33 am
Shy Passion
A while, while, WHILE back lol
Hope you're doing well.
Dame des Mondes Report | 04/16/2018 1:27 pm
Dame des Mondes
Hey that's awesome! Nice government job.
Same here. . Been trying to jump into some walk-in's
at Barton, but it's hard when I work every night and doubles
on the weekend, on top of school in the morning all
throughout the week. I never have time to myself anymore. .
It's very depressing lol
Dame des Mondes Report | 04/14/2018 9:41 pm
Dame des Mondes
That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you! n w n

What are you doing now?
Dame des Mondes Report | 04/12/2018 10:42 pm
Dame des Mondes
Hey there, old friend.
How has time been treating you?
DinkAndDrance Report | 03/14/2018 8:25 pm
PM and we can brainstorm!
DinkAndDrance Report | 03/14/2018 6:47 pm
Hey, would you wanna rp again?
Dame des Mondes Report | 05/15/2017 11:59 pm
Dame des Mondes
I live a very minimal lifestyle. Focused on more important things like etsy lol and ESO
Dame des Mondes Report | 05/15/2017 12:34 am
Dame des Mondes
i never check my e-mails to be honest. . and i get so much junk mail that important mail gets lost
and that's how i end up screwed so often > w <
Dame des Mondes Report | 05/13/2017 2:01 am
Dame des Mondes
No stress. I tend to have free time here and there, and instead of
sleeping, I choose to write I suppose lol Say hello to wonderful people
here such as yourself smile

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