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all right.... My name is Daniel Rafael Herrera and i am .. years old. ( dont like to say my age...... i live i california hollywood. even though i look younge doesnt mean i am younge eventhough i act like i amm. i love anime cuz it rocks. i also like azn girls so mmost of my friends call me the Aznlover.
i go to Jhon Marshall High School. i am a straight A student and i dont even try hard to get them. i fee as if kids should be kids no matter what. we should never grow up even if we have to. lol. i have lots of friends. mostly in my age range but i have alot of younger friends to. oh and dont get me started on how many older friends i have. omg its alot!
i am actually very sensetive when it comes to things, i like to help ppl out no matter wht the siuation is. so if ur my friend i will help u out with watever it is. =P
also if u want to be close friends come and hang out at my myspace...... u gotta ask for it though.....


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Ken Kennedy Anderson Report | 03/18/2010 8:40 pm
Ken Kennedy Anderson
did u go to my profile
Ken Kennedy Anderson Report | 03/18/2010 8:36 pm
Ken Kennedy Anderson
MR KENNEDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ItsCastiel_ Report | 07/29/2009 11:47 am
what is ur favorite anime?
Vizard Riku Report | 05/05/2009 7:49 pm
Vizard Riku
im itachi lover friend and sai is homo u see that shirt he wear onyl gay gusy were that (no offence) then look like pants about to fall off o.o
Vizard Riku Report | 05/05/2009 5:39 pm
Vizard Riku
sasuke=emo,gay,suck,sissy,dotn liek women,disgrace to uchiha,a failure, cheated,loser,and boring =p
oPiiE Report | 05/05/2009 5:32 pm
how mant times do i have to telll u ITACHI RULES
Pamco Report | 01/19/2009 8:49 am
... happy birthday
Takari Ice Dragoness Report | 01/02/2009 5:22 pm
Takari Ice Dragoness
hey havn't heard from in a while man was up
ItsCastiel_ Report | 01/01/2009 5:18 pm
i didnt know it was wierd looking
ItsCastiel_ Report | 01/01/2009 5:17 pm
i think that's what it is



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