|Little Uruha's Girl|

~|Little Uruha's Girl|~

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Role playing Charries
The mains:

[Although there are more than one character to role play 98% of the time I will use Avenyu.]

Background info on the main characters
Rikaiju Hitamorah Astara:
born on an island that was torn from California, his father owned that land, and with that land he owned his father's friend built a beautiful palace for them to live in. They named the island part view and that is where they lived till The next child came. Rikaiju has 3 other siblings, Avenyu, Tashi, and Ridia. He loves them all but equally hates them. He as his father would call him was known as a "failure child." Rikaiju didn't do much for most of his childhod. Most of his childhood he spent in a coma. When he was 7 years old e was playing Blitzball (copywrites to Squaresoft/enix) during the winter and froze himself. Well oddly enough he was put into a coma and stayed there till he woke, when he was 13 years old. Now you would think he would forget everyone and everything about himself and what not, but he didn't. He remember his family and friends, but forgot the other things like how to walk and what not. So during the years of Rikaiju gaining the basics of his life back, going to school, and living what he could of the remains of his life, he disappeared out of his families life when he was only 17 years old. He then moved to a small place called Vega or "city of eternal tears" and lived there till he died. Before his death he got a job with what they call the "Crimson Rain" and stayed with that job till his death. The missions were hard but he succeded. And one thing rikaiju never really likes bragging about is how he went froma human to a hell hound. When Rikaiju came out of the Coma, rikaiju's father made a deal with Jigoku that in order to keep Rikaiju alive was to connect with a hell hound, and thus came the youngest, Dante. Dante doesn't really like Rikaiju but he doesn't have much of a choice but to put up with him. Rikaiju doesn't really like to brag about it, he tried to be human as much as he can, unfortunatly... it fails a lot of the time.
Avenyu Marii Astara:
She is one pretty lady, too bad she's a pain to deal with. Avenyu aswell was born in California in the same little part, but when she was very young she moved to Japan with her parents. When she became about 4 to5 years of age her mother put her in a Geisha school. She hated it at first, getting beaten by the teacher and having to sit on her knees the way she had to but all in time she grew to not mind it anymore and lived with the teachings. Her life became very complicated when she had to start regular school and had to maintain a regular life. So she had to maintain 1. Geisha school 2. regular school and 3. a regular life. When she became 16 years of age she was already as elegant as those who became full geisha's. Avenyu never became a full geisha because she never originally belonged to an Okiya so she couldn't not wander with the wealthy all the time or go to tea house to tea house. When she graduated High school she continued her studies in the Geisha school but it seemed easier to her to have a normal life. And to make her trips not so long she moved to Kyoto, the Geisha district. She distanced herself from her family and only saw them every so often but overal she was very mellow and quite. Although you may not see it in Avenyu, she is indeed a witch. She doesn't like to brag about it since she rarely uses her magic but she is one, so just don't go around tickin' her off, she will not hesitate to suduce you and find some way to injure you.
Tadahashi Riyuku Astara:
Tadahashi doesn't like to talk and he hates his name with a passion. He loves to be called Tashi cause it sounds more cute and innocent. He at one point in his life was a human but his father was experimenting one day and well lookit what happened, he became a Neko. Tashi doesn't remember what had happened thankfully but he also wants to remember. At 5 years old he did something no 5 year old had ever done. What was it? Well I can't tell you. All I can tell his that it's on his nose and that is why he wears a bandana on his nose to hide it. As he grew up he started to hang with Rikaiju's love and they became real good friends quickly. Tashi street races for a living and loves to cause havoc. Don't ever ask him to do something that is mischievous or he will do it. At the age of 16 he had killed his teacher and the principal of the the school he was attending. For 6 months he was sent to a world called Ascura, a world full of purity and likeness to everyone. he hated it and even when he left it he still hated. After those 6 months he never killed anyone ever again. Not much other than what was told is known about Tashi since he doesn't like to open up to others.
Ridia Rose Astara:
Ridia is a huge Daddy's girl. She loves being the center of Daddy's attention. She was born in China and raised in Japan. At the age of 5 her dearest friend tought her how to play the piano and she has been playing since. Most her life she had always been oblivious to her surroundings as long as she had Daddy and her childhood friend. She loves to be innocent although sometimes she can play a guilty role. She doesn't like to talk much but she does love to express her feelings through the piano. When she grew up to be about 18 years old, she began to teach piano at schools and tour countries and worlds trying to get recognition for her playing. She finally recieved it and now is living peacefully as a grand pianest. She has her idols though, her childhood friend and some of the other pianests out there but overall considers herself lucky to have known the piano.


