Behind "Arvron"
Why hello there! I'm the internet entity that goes by the name Arvron. o/
Since you have taken the time to happen upon my profile page, I should at least enlighten you to the beautiful person behind the awesome avatar.
I am currently looking into a bachelor of Multimedia and Digital Art degree at Melbourne, VIC, Australia. biggrin
Anyway, I am an avid lover of manga and prefer it over anime most of the time. Primarily romance mangas, if I recall I have read 200 romance mangas so far and counting. This excludes any tragic romances, because I don't do sad stuff.
Naturally I game, but only for the story lines most of the time. Gameplay for me, comes second to a compelling storyline. My favourite series would have to be Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy Ace attorney and Shin Megami Tensei.
So enjoy, relax, marvel at the magic that is my profile page
Since you have taken the time to happen upon my profile page, I should at least enlighten you to the beautiful person behind the awesome avatar.
I am currently looking into a bachelor of Multimedia and Digital Art degree at Melbourne, VIC, Australia. biggrin
Anyway, I am an avid lover of manga and prefer it over anime most of the time. Primarily romance mangas, if I recall I have read 200 romance mangas so far and counting. This excludes any tragic romances, because I don't do sad stuff.
Naturally I game, but only for the story lines most of the time. Gameplay for me, comes second to a compelling storyline. My favourite series would have to be Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy Ace attorney and Shin Megami Tensei.
So enjoy, relax, marvel at the magic that is my profile page
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Also, I could have used the Skeleton skin, but two things:
- The black is not so black.
- I use the Death Whisperer one, because Arsene do have some kind of earphone of something around the head.
But that's just my version of it.
If you're interested.
I talked with Raininq and he will do Shadow Labrys.
Meark as Inazagi
Lapsis Stella as Artemisia
2_twins in a ball as Yukiko
Raininq yet to choose(He was going to do Labrys, but he gave me two answers, instead of one and you eventually take the lead.)
GalavantMan as Yosuke or Jiraiya
Arvron as Labrys
Can you do Shadow Labrys?
Me as Akihiko Sanada
Meark as Inazagi
Lapsis Stella as Artemisia
2_twins in a ball as Yukiko
Raininq yet to choose
For Week after next!
Thanks I have a lot of entries piling up now it's funny because I planned on taking a mini hiatus at the beginning of this year but I guess I'll keep going for now.
I also look forward to your entries as well. biggrin I hope you get the money for whatever cosplay you need.