Arrinae Tsuki

Arrinae Tsuki's avatar

Registered: 11/12/2006

Gender: Female


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Hello. My name is Arrinae Tsuki.

I'm pretty nice till someone pushes me too far. I'm married to Toushiro_Tsuki in real life and we have a sweet, adorable, little boy. So for those who might have been interested, sorry but I'm officially off the market!

I hate people who ruin good role plays by complaining about other characters just because they think they are unethical or just don't like them.

I'm semi-literate, and I love details and drama in roleplays.

I love blood and gore and tend to have my character(s) injured in just about every battle they fight in.

I'm a bit stubborn and I'm not into cybering, so don't ask.

I do not believe in normality for what is normal to one person isn't normal for another. What most refer to as normal I call average. To call me normal is like telling me to my face that I do not exist. and I EXIST DAGNABIT!


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iluvbloodandcookies Report | 01/31/2015 4:21 pm
mmmmeeeewwwww !!!!!!
Quotesy Report | 07/16/2014 8:25 am
Well, that sounds like that's explained. e n e;

Doesn't matter wherever I just so happen to be, I tend to knock out like a light's been switched off in my head. Especially if I sit somewhere soft. I wake up not even remembering how I fell asleep, then just get up and keep moving on about my day like I never was asleep to begin with. orz Worst case: shut my eyes for a second while walking home, nearly walk into a busy road. Guess I need to sleep earlier/better, then.

But that marching incident sounds pretty exhausting, Arri! Good thing that they didn't notice you, eh? Or maybe since it was graduation for you, they felt a bit lenient...?
Quotesy Report | 06/12/2014 5:32 pm
I don't think I've put one here, but happy June!
How're you today, Arri? c:
Dark Drakosis Report | 05/11/2014 11:11 am
Thanks, Nice Avi. <3
Quotesy Report | 10/11/2013 8:43 am
Oh, hey - I think this is the first time I've ever been on your profile! emotion_kirakira
Cadan Law Report | 07/26/2013 2:47 pm
ahhh~ i see
hehe yes well i do rp, not so much now but i do miss it sometimes
Cadan Law Report | 07/25/2013 6:59 pm
oh, well i do tend to try to give everyone a chance, i am a pre-sociologist
so i tend to keep an open view on people, and this site helps me to get to
know people, but i try to just be there to listen to most lol
arri, pleasure to meet you ^^
Cadan Law Report | 07/25/2013 6:44 pm
hello and thank you for accepting
my name is D but you can call me by my
cosplay names if you want.
^ w^
Toushiro Tsuki Report | 09/16/2011 12:43 pm
cool avi
Akumi_Saki Report | 04/18/2011 7:11 am
you look awesome by the way


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― Philip José Farmer


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