Everyone elses profile is better than mine and there aint no way i can make a profile as cool as theirs or neither will i ever get an awesome looking avi either <:*(
I dont have many friends, no one likes a guy like me :*(
Chain messeges will be removed, so dont bother
Hey everyone, My time has came, my time to leave Gaia, everyone i'm sorry for having to leave but i have no one to talk to at all on Gaia, so i'm giving away my items and gold to my close friends, but we can still have contact, for you see I have a Facebook Account, and we could still be friends, just PM me your facebook name or whatever and i'll add ya right away, anyways sorry and goodbye Gaia Online
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plus im always awake i can barely sleep usually its just a nap but that doesnt really count so when i wake up in the middle of the night i usually start listening to music or draw anime characters
lol sorry bout the bedtime thing that sux