Arienna Naracolu

Arienna Naracolu's avatar

Last Login: 05/20/2024 11:07 am

Registered: 07/15/2005

Gender: Female

The Thief Queen

Well, I'm not just a Thief Queen. I'm also Rayena Calanth's managers. I keep track of the things she writes down that don't go into her stories yet, and I also keep tabs on all of the multimedias she likes so that she and her friends always have entertainment. So, feel free to watch those, but beware the journal: only read it if you like spoilers.

The Manager

Of course, I'm not just a manager, either. I'm also the Queen of Thieves on my home world. Basically, I take what I want and I keep it, no questions asked. Nobody DARES come after me. I advise you do the same and keep away. It's not the smartest thing to cross a girl who's always very heavily armed, plus possess water and healing magic and faerie powers.

Power of Love

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Set Me Free

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Hanging by a Moment

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Bring Me to Life

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Walk on Water

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I'll Remember You

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You and Me

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On the Way Down

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All You Wanted

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The Broken Road

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

Multimedia Your Heart Out.