I love manga! I read it so much that when I read normal books I keep turning the pages the wrong way! I just sorta got into manga, so I've only read a few series, but so far Fullmetal is my favorite series, and Kyo is the hottest character ever created in the history of Japanese cartoons, with Grey at a close second. I talk a lot and I luv luv luv to roleplay! Im a bigmouth and a know-it all (according to the notes from my teachers on my report cards) but I get really high scores when I can actually be bothered to do my assignments. I get crushes on manga characters routinely, but never on real guys. Maybe im afraid of commitment? Never kissed anyone, never gone on a date, and never been asked to the dance. T-T Oh well! at least I have good friends like the evil chibi master! well, enough about me! comment things about you! touching life story? crappy day? extreme boredom? Tell me about it! a busy-body like me would love to lend you my ear! So, how's life?
The Misused Scetchpad
My real world journal is for writing, but I just draw in it. So My gaia journal is now a scetchpad that I write in! Clever, huh? No? Oh... ok... I'll just go cry now then... jk! im not emo! XD
Get off my lawn!!!
ya derned kids....
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