
apaul17's avatar

Birthday: 04/15


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Hi my name is apaul17 and here is the start of my mini blog on gaia online. Ok so here is what I like: I love! Ninja's ninja ! I also like seeing violence burning_eyes .

Some of my hobbies are to draw ninja's. I love 'Naruto' it is like a model to me. I am the biggest Naruto fan anyone in this world is ever going to see! Lets move on... I am very protective of my friends and family. I am also very protective of my boyfriend. He is also one of the biggest Naruto fan you will ever see!

There is one last thing I am going to tell you. My favorite food is drum roll please!

RAMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heart

Here is a quote from Naruto that really inspires me...

" of course those in the ninja world who breaks rules and regulations..... are called trash.

But those who don't care about their companions are......

If that is the way of the shinobi then I'll crush that idea of a shinobi!!!!
If that's not being the true way of the shinobi......
.......anyway, if I'm that kind of a trash... I'LL BREAK THE RULES!"

This really inspires me well that is all for now see ya!

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