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animalsaverkid8's avatar

Last Login: 09/20/2023 4:36 pm

Registered: 02/19/2008

Gender: Female

Location: Texas

Birthday: 11/24

Occupation: Aspiring Psychiatrist

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PhongponTH on 11/17/2020

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Good day!

You can call me AniKid. I am not on this site as often as I used to be, but if I'm active feel free to hit me up with some 1 v. 1 role-playing or a role-playing guild. I don't really have that much to say. I guess I'll add to this later when I get ideas.

Off I go then!

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second derivative Report | 12/14/2016 10:06 pm
second derivative
Thanks for buying c:
JentoBear Report | 07/02/2016 11:30 am
Thanks for buying Ponzu the Panda~!
KanaeKaszim Report | 06/16/2016 5:31 pm
gaia_crown Thank you for your purchase gaia_crown
Raya The Immortal Report | 06/15/2016 11:55 am
Raya The Immortal
Thank you for the purchase ~ 3nodding
Lillian longbottom Report | 08/06/2015 11:32 pm
Lillian longbottom
Raising them will likely happen eventually.
Lillian longbottom Report | 08/06/2015 11:12 pm
Lillian longbottom
If I could give you a regular stagony egg I would. I have 4 now.
Lillian longbottom Report | 08/06/2015 11:04 pm
Lillian longbottom
I am level 22 almost 23. And have a stagony that with health potions can if I am lucky take down level 10 versions of the demon tree thing. Which is awesome cause I got a Coral Cubdrop from one.
Lillian longbottom Report | 08/06/2015 10:58 pm
Lillian longbottom
Yeah it is kinda funny. I found myself with a powerful need for healing potions for kindred lake thanks to the demon tree thing. I got through the game so well not really needing them now tons are haha.
Lillian longbottom Report | 08/06/2015 10:43 pm
Lillian longbottom
Yeah I didn't even notice. Haha how terrible of me. sweatdrop heart heart heart
0 - Jessica Rabbit - 0 Report | 07/02/2015 10:42 pm
0 - Jessica Rabbit - 0
Thank you for the purchase emotion_kirakira


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